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Ruby was sitting at a small table in the centre of the large ballroom with a sad expression, a big contrast from her usual happy one.

Weiss suddenly slammed her hand down on the table, snapping Ruby out of her daze. "I need you to pick a table cloth!" She then held up two identical looking pieces of cloth.

Ruby squinted, trying to find any sort of difference but gave up "Aren't they both the same?" She asked, reviving a annoyed sigh from Weiss. "I don't even know why I asked." She said and then walked away, likely to ask someone else.

She got back down into her sad slump, hearing her half-sister lifting and dropping the giant speaker behind her.

Yang walked up beside Ruby and rubbed her hands together "So, have you picked out a dress yet?" She asked, standing

Ruby turned to look at her, still with her and on her head. "Who cares about the dance of Blake's not going." She said sadly. Yang looked at her sister with a grin "Oh don't worry, she's going." She looked over he shoulder to the other side of the large room "Weiss! I thought we agreed, no doilies." The white haired girl walked up to the blonde and pointed frustrated "If I don't get doilies, you don't get fog machines!"

The large doors burst open revealing the monkey Faunus and bright blue hair, Sun and Neptune. Sun noticeably holding a piece of paper and looking around.

"Your dance is gonna have fog machines?" Neptune asked whilst walking towards the three, making Weiss get suddenly sweet "Well we were thinking about it...". Yang looked over to the Faunus and saw the piece of paper he was holding "Hey Sun what's that?" The Faunus held up the paper and showed it off.

It was a missing persons poster, with the words 'Fucking dumbass hasn't been seen for 3 days. Would like him back because he is doing something unknown and possibly illegal.' -and the picture was of a man in a white hockey mask with three red chevrons and wearing a blue hoodie. "Yeah these are all over Atlas!" He pointed to the bottom "It even has a reward!" The reward said 'Reward: 100000000000 lien'

Weiss and Yang deadpanned at the poster, it was obvious who it was. The blonde leaned forward and read just below where it said reward '*Note: we do not have 100000000000 lien and if we did, we would not give it to you' She looked up his smiling face and back down "Yeah looks legit." She said with a reassuring face.


Blake was silently sitting at a table in the empty library of Beacon, looking down at a holographic screen. The bags under her eyes had gotten worse, as had her overall appearance, looking more and more disheveled by each day.

Her bow covered ears picked up the sound of quiet giggling coming from behind the multiple bookshelves. She narrowed her amber eyes and scanned the area, trying to find the thing that was making the noise. Blake turned back and tried to ignore the sound, passing it off as her tired brain playing tricks.

"Hehehehe..." she spun around again, looking into the shelves, now hearing the sound closer than before "Who's there?" She asked groggily to which she got no response. Her eyes kept going over the area despite her vision being clouded with tiredness.

She sighed frustrated and sat down, only to hear a small bang from the bookshelf closest to her on the right. She stood up angrily "Show yourself!" But once again she got only silence.

Sitting down again, eyes closed, she didn't notice the other presence in beside her "Hello!" A high pitch voice said beside her causing her to jump out of the seat "AAAAH!" She (just like a cat) landed on her feet despite her tiredness and scowled at the intruder "Why are you in this spooky place?" He asked curiously.

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