Greetings, meetings and an altercation

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Greetings, meetings and an altercation

He was wearing a blue striped shirt with dark grey pants. When he made his way to the stage he got near me and he greeted me.

"You're the new English teacher right? I'm Kenneth Carpenter, history teacher" he smiled.

Avery Dansfield had announced the last pairing and was now concluding the meeting.

"I wish you luck with your creative process and can't wait to see your presentations!"

Can't wait for this to be over!

As I was walking towards the door, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see, and it was Kenneth.

"What do you think about the rule we got?" he asked.

I smiled apologetically and replied "Umm... what was it?"

He answered in a mock-serious tone "Baysfield Art High School is a symbol of respect and innovation in the artistic domain''.

I laughed lightly "Do you have any ideas of what we could do?" I asked.

"Not yet we should meet up and brainstorm! Tomorrow at lunchtime?" he asked.

"Good, see you then" I said. First day as a high school teacher check!

I arrived at my small apartment, while I was looking for my house key, I heard "Cosmic Love" by Florence + The Machine blasting through the door.

The perks of having a roommate in her creative process!

When I entered, Lindsey was singing along, really concentrated on her painting which looked like an explosion of different colors on which, the face of a man was emerging.

She greeted me, stepping out of her sort of artistic frenzy.

"So, how was your day Miss Nellie?" she asked teasingly.

"Great except for the part where we need to make presentation in front of everyone as part of our initiation" I sighed.

She laughed "I know how you like speaking in front of an audience!"

"Haha very funny...." I said sarcastically

"How was your meeting at the gallery?"

"Uggh don't talk to me about that!" she said.

"What happened ?" I asked slightly worried.

"That know-it-all woman at the gallery said ‘I'm sorry but your pieces don't quite go with our current collection...’ She should try making a Mixed Media Painting, using acrylic and spray paint!" Lindsey said in a hostile tone.

"I thought I got the job, it's getting hard..." my roommate said saddened.

"I'm sorry to hear that, you should try the Modern Arts Gallery. They have more experimental and contemporary pieces." I said in a trying-to-cheer-her-up tone.

"Yeah great idea, I'll contact them tomorrow. Thanks Nellie!"

I really admired the way she could just move on and get through obstacles!

As I was preparing for my second class ever, I heard a knock on the door. I turned my head towards the sound. One of my students was standing timidly next to the classroom's door.

"Come in" I said.

"Good morning Miss Nellie" the teenager said while fidgeting with his glasses.

"Good morning" I replied.

"I started to read The Pianist, it's really interesting. Did you see the movie? It stars Adrien Brody. Did you know he and the film won a total of three Oscars in 2003? The student said with enthusiasm.

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