Girls Night

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Girls Night!

The next morning, I woke up with my back aching...

That’s what happens when you sleep on the couch...

I stretched my arms and yawned while going to the bathroom to freshen up.

I had a sudden craving for French toasts, so I headed to the kitchen.

As I was taking eggs and milk from the fridge, I heard Lindsey get out of bed.

She greeted me and asked if I slept well.

“Absolutely not, my back still hurts!” I replied while rubbing my lower back with one hand.

“Aww, I could of woken you up last night but you looked so peaceful!” she said with compassion.

“It’s okay, I forgive you!” I said jokingly.

“So you had fun last night?” I asked Lindsey casually.

I started to whisk the ingredients together while listening to her.

“Yeah, I had a great time. Kenneth is a really charming guy!” she responded smiling.

I totally didn’t notice that about his personality... (This comment is absolutely sarcastic)

“The restaurant was even more beautiful in person, you should see that fountain...” she added in slight awe.

“I’m glad you enjoyed your evening” I told her.

I had a particularly demanding week with all the lovely essays received still in my bag; I had to start correcting…

Stop procrastinating!

I reluctantly took the envelop in which I had put my student’s short essays.

I randomly picked a copy from the pile and started to read and correct it.

I have to keep a small amount of surprise to keep it interesting!

This includes not reading the name of the student whose text I’m reading to avoid being partial.

After three hours of non-stop correcting, my eyes, well I, couldn’t concentrate anymore.

As I was about to get up and clear the table, Lindsey stormed in smiling.

“Guess what!” she said.

“What.” I replied in a serious tone, mocking her.

“You’re so not funny!” she said in a fake bitchy voice.

I started to laugh, caught by surprise by the imitation.

It reminded me of the voice of you know the girl you love to hate in high school...

“That was hilarious, you should win something!” I said still amused.

“Well, we’re going out to celebrate! Margaret texted me; it’s girls night!” Lindsey exclaimed excitedly

“I could definitely use a drink; I need to distract myself a little bit!” I replied with enthusiasm.

“That’s the spirit!” my roommate told me with joy.

We ate supper and then changed in more appropriate attire for the club.

We were wearing mismatched sweats. That says it all!

Margaret arrived while were doing our makeup; she was wearing a coral dress with gold accents.

We all took a last look at ourselves in the mirror, grabbed our purses and headed out.

We only took my car as it was also a sleepover if you will.

We arrived around eleven- ready to party!

The girls and I entered side by side; it was slow-motion-movie scene worthy.

What can I say, we looked fierce! Did I just really think of that...Fierce, seriously?!

The second Lindsey heard the song that was playing she wanted to dance, so we joined her.

The dance floor was pretty large, there was a bar to its left and at the far right stood the DJ in his booth.

There were blue and white spotlights and Margaret randomly saw a disco ball on the ceiling.

After dancing to a few songs and getting some unwanted attention; we decided to go get drinks.

Lindsey had blisters on her feet and Margaret’s feet were hurting, so they asked me (okay, they puppy dog faced me...) to order the drinks.

I went to the bar. Surprisingly, there weren’t a lot of people in front of me.

Yeah, less time waiting! What my feet hurt too...

It was my turn; I spoke loudly as there were speakers near blasting an electro-pop song.

“I’ll take a martini, a margarita and a mojito, please!” I asked the bartender.

“Coming right up, Miss Nellie.” he said amused.

I froze in disbelief.

I’m getting served by a student of mine, again? What is this?!

While he began mixing the drinks, I recognized him.

It was Karl the class clown.

At least it’s not the same boy that would have been creepy!

I guess I was looking at him funny because he explained himself.

“My parents own this place, I’m not working here illegally if that’s what you’re thinking.” he said as if it wasn’t the first time he had to inform people of his ‘status’.

“I wasn’t thinking that.” I told him honestly.

He put the cocktails on a tray.

“Don’t party too hard Miss! Moderation is key!” Karl said teasingly.

“I know these are for my friends.” I replied as I pointed to the table where I had left Lindsey & Margaret.

He laughed.

I frowned and looked where I was pointing, there was nobody there!

Embarrassed, I paid, gave him a tip and left.

What the heck?!

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