Welcome back

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Welcome back

The day had finally come when, the beloved Amber Carson returned to Baysfield high school.

Her entrance certainly didn’t come unnoticed.

The change was striking.

Just by the way she walked people who had known her closely or only from afar could sense that she wasn’t the same girl anymore.

 Gone was the preppy school girl everyone loved, at least physically…

Amber was now sporting mid-length hair with red highlights and looser clothes.

When had she had the time to have a fashion makeover? No one knew.

And no one asked except for me!

She oozed of confidence and a willingness to… live life to the fullest?!

This is sounding more and more like a daytime drama...

One could argue that too much of a spotlight was on her.

I suddenly realized how much they-mostly teachers- put her up on a pedestal.

Truly the pride and joy of BAHS…

Teachers and students alike looked at her attentively as she walked in the hallway; the first time in two weeks.

The principal had arranged a meeting in the cafeteria where all students of Amber’s level as well as the teachers were in attendance.

Avery was as usual in front of every group, microphone in hand, looking even more like your typical local TV news presenter with her navy blazer and matching skirt, her sleek hairstyle and make-up.

“I am so happy to announce the return of Amber Carson into our school. She is a symbol of strength and determination. Having overcome her…anterior state…Let’s take a look at a part of her journey here!”

*Cue the slideshow of Amber taking part in different school activities projected on the wall*

Easily half of the images shown were from earlier years, probably from three years ago.

I didn’t have to think too much about that, the pictures were labelled…

“Once again, let’s give her warm welcome” she continued and gave a hand of applause which most responded to by a standing ovation.

The glorious speech and the welcome back slideshow definitely added to the focus and attention put on the recently coma-free teenager.

She was now BAHS royalty… or something like that…

Amber stood next to her boyfriend and friends in disbelief and slightly teary-eyed by the principal’s gesture.

The moment lasted quite some time- not as short as one might think it would, but it was decidedly sweet.

Half of the English lesson had been shortened by that event.

So, the brief but efficient mode of teaching was switched on.

The scheduled plan was to explain objective and subjective points of view in writing and giving examples which is exactly what I did in the most concise manner.

At the last minute, I gave the students their homework; comparing two texts for the next class.

The disappointment was palpable.

I saw a lot of eye rolling, which just reinforced the previous statement.

 They had actually thought there was no homework… Only in their dreams!

Somehow, I felt a slight happiness from their discontent.

Am I slowly becoming like the infamous cold hearted math teachers of this world?

Please no! I don’t want to be associated to harsh and revenge-seeking logical thinkers!

I internally laughed at myself.

That awkward moment when someone sees your internal-laughing face…

“What are you laughing at?” Kenneth asked as he saw me walking down the hallway.

I brushed it off quickly, surprisingly not feeling embarrassed at all!

“Hi Kenneth, what’s up with you and Lindsey?

Non-existent crisis averted! When in doubt always change the subject. ..Wait, is that it?

“You know, it’s hard, we’re trying to overcome the scandal.” he replied in all seriousness.

“What are you talking about?” I replied confused as to what the heck he was talking about.

He looked uncomfortable and then answered.

“Do I really need to say it…Us hooking up…It really took a toll on my relationship with Lindsey…” he said in a melodramatic tone.

I laughed almost hysterically (is that even possible?) some students standing near us checking their iPhones gave us weird looks.

“Did you take acting lessons when you were younger? That was very close to being believable!” I finally replied.

“As a matter of fact, I may or may not have been to drama camp when I was twelve…”

“That explains so much.” I said sarcastically.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” he answered feigning to be worried.

“It means absolutely nothing!” I replied a grin plastered on my face.

We walked together to the teacher’s lounge.

When we entered the room, I instantly went to the fridge to grab my lunch.

He sat at the table on the corner, having bought his meal earlier.

I joined him, accompanied by our married friends.

The conversation inevitably centered on the return of Amber Carson at Baysfield High.

Margaret had learned that the student was taking extra work and had a tutor.

Amber was totally focused on studying in order to finish the school year at the same time as her friends.

Her drive is definitely not gone. I’m glad it didn’t disappear after her accident. It's part of her!

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