You're kidding right?

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I just wanted to say that I really appreciate feedback and encourage you to comment and vote on this story as I would like to know your thoughts in order to become a better writer and improve my writing!

I hope you enjoy this part :)


You’re kidding right?

I went back to Amber’s room, snacks in hand.

Gavin and Margaret took them gratefully.

Then, Mr. & Mrs. Carson told us that their daughter would be examined by the doctors shortly, so we agreed that it was time to leave the hospital.

We got into our respective cars after short salutations.

I sat still in my car, holding the steering wheel.

Tears began slowly falling down my cheeks.

This visit had shaken me more than I thought!

As I was inattentively wiping them off with my hand; I heard someone knock on the window.

The sound startled me.

 I looked to my right and found Kenneth impatiently waiting for me to open the door...

What is he doing here? Isn’t he supposed to be with Lindsey right now?

I must of seemed distraught or something because he looked at me strangely before speaking.

“Hey, are you okay?” he asked with a hint of concern. Déjà vu?

This is really ironic, role reversal anyone?

I took a deep breath to prevent myself from going all sarcastic on him for a second time.

We all know how well that went...

“Yeah, I just saw Amber” I finally replied in the most neutral tone possible.

“Oh, I’m going to see her.” Kenneth said matter-of-factly.

“Aren’t you supposed to be with Lindsey?” I asked visibly mixed up.

“No...We’re going out Saturday.” he replied suddenly confused.

“Right… My mistake! I probably misheard Lindsey” I said feigning to smile.

Lindsey you liar! What are you up to?

How’s Amber?” he asked looking worried.

“I’m not really fond of hospitals...” he added as if he was confiding to me.

“I think no one really is...Except if you’re a doctor...” I said clumsily.

“Right!” he mumbled.

“To answer you, she’s well taking care of but it’s kinda... shocking to see her in that state. She looks so vulnerable...” I responded sincerely.

“Well, I should go see her before it’s too late.” He said while opening the door of my car.

“Before the visiting hours are over...” he added in order to rectify what he had just told me.

“Okay, bye. I’ll see you at school.” I said.

He waved at me and got out of the car, heading into the hospital.

I sighed and drove to the apartment.

My roommate was listening to music playing on her Ipod while pouring herself a glass of white wine.

“Hey, what’s up?” she asked casually.

I took a glass in the cupboard.

“What’s wrong you’re too…calm.” she replied suspicious.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked slightly annoyed.

“Okay, I get it…” I added, we both laughed.

“So, why the weird expression…?” she asked intrigued.

“I talked to Kenneth in the hospital’s parking lot…” I said honestly.

“Ohh, THAT.” she laughed nervously.

“Yeah, why did you tell me you guys were on a date? Where were you?

Great, I sound just like her mother. Not cool! But I want to know…

“I saw Lucas at the coffee shop and I sort of hung out with him…”

I took me a while to recall who this guy Lucas was and when I did; it wasn’t nice!

I only swear when I’m really pissed or annoyed. This was one of those times…

“Lucas is a fu***** ass****!”

Lucas is the type of guy who thinks he’s above everyone else and is really angry at the world in general. A real jerk!

Why had my best friend been with the guy you might ask? Art, that’s why...

Who knew messed up dudes made brilliant paintings?

“I know! I just wanted to see if he had changed. He cleaned up, you know?” she responded slightly beaten.

“But obviously he’s still the same. Don’t tell Kenneth about this please! He’s a nice guy.”

“I already covered for you!” I smiled.

“Thanks roomie!” Lindsey replied sweetly.

“You’re welcome!” I said after taking a sip of wine.

The next day during my break, I was called to the principal’s office.

This feel slightly elementary school-ish!

When she saw me, she made a sign inviting me to sit down in front of her desk.

I got there, intrigued to what this impromptu meeting would be about.

I greeted her amicably.

“Hey, I wanted to talk to you about something...” Mrs. Dansfield said seriously.

“Sure, go ahead!” I nodded.

“Someone told me that she or he saw you and Kenneth Carpenter making out in his class…half naked” she trailed slightly uncomfortable.

To say that I was surprised was an understatement; I was in utter disbelief.

Who lies like that, to the principal?

Wait, any sensible teenager does…

I took a moment to finally answer Avery.

“That is simply not true. He’s just a friend. Kenneth’s dating my roommate!” I said trying to explain the reality.

She looked me in the eyes and spoke.

“I believe you.”

“Mr. Carpenter told me the same thing. You may leave now.” the principal continued with relief.

“Sorry for the inconvenience” she added, sincere.

“You’re just doing your job.” I said leaving still shocked.

When I closed the door behind me, I saw teenagers laughing and looking at me.

That incident was probably born into the mind of a highly immature teenager…

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