Prepping for a court appearance

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Prepping for a court appearance

Following the helpful advice-although obvious- of the officers, I called a lawyer.

You know me; I didn't just call any lawyer...

Actually, the "lawyer-calling" had been made by the school.

If you wanted to into specifics, it was obvious and correct to guess that Mrs Dansfield had handpicked the attorney representing us: the teachers.

Soon enough, I heard the sound of high heels on the stone-cold floor.

Everyone in the office stopped what they were doing to gaze at the source of the intriguing sound.

So, nobody actually bothered to look up, but there's no harm in adding a little romance  to my adventure, now is there?!

She entered the room confidently, head held high and all.

She then introduced herself and sat beside me.

"Tessa Emerson, attorney" we shook hands, as she quickly stared at the officer sitting in front of us.

Unfortunately, he didn't seem fazed by her hazel eyes...

But when words- actually demands -came out of her mouth, then that was another story!

"My client and I will talk in private for a moment."

The officer seated next to me rolled his eyes at her, ignored her request and continued filling out a form while casually asking me questions.

Visibly upset, the lawyer brought out the big guns.

That last part is a figure of speech, I can assure you.

Nobody was harm, at least not physically nor by any lethal weapon...

"In accordance to law 184, article C-18, everyone has the right to consult a lawyer in confidentiality." She insisted while pronouncing the last syllables.

"So, you can see yourself out, please & thank you..." She said with a harsh tone, not displaying any hints of cordiality whatsoever.

I would argue that it was well dosed. 

But, as you can clearly understand from my circumstances, I'm biased.

The officer mumbled angrily, took his briefcase and left the room.

Someone knows how to control her work environment!

Mrs. Emerson and I briefly exchanged smiles before she went through the legal procedures awaiting me.

 Then the smiles dropped lending place to a platonic grin (mostly for my part).

"Now, let's go through what you are going to say in court..." the attorney said after the door closed shut.

Sayonara, Mister the officer!

"Great." I replied with a half-smile.

"You'll have to be more convincing." She said in a hushed tone.

I nodded and crossed my arms.

She proceeded with instructions.

"I'll ask you questions; answer them as precisely as you can." She inhaled and exhaled before continuing her explanations.

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