Chapter 12

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Carina's hazel eyes bugged out of her head when she finally connected the dots. Maya looked at her like everything finally made sense.

"Right?" the blonde asked.

"It's uncanny now that I really look."

Maya nodded in agreement. They would talk more about this when they were alone and not surrounded by the team. The captain greeted everyone and said, "Thank you all for helping us with the pool house, seriously. I know it will mean so much to Alicia and Molly."

"Molly?" Emmett asked. "Alicia?" he added. They could tell that he was trying to process the information in his head.

"Yeah?" Maya asked, confused.

"It might be a coincidence but I have a sister named Molly and her best friend's name is Alicia. I haven't seen her in a while since she moved away to college. We used to be so close, but when I came out, my dad shut me out of the family."

Maya looked at Carina for a response. The Italian spoke up and asked, "Blonde? About five foot two inches? Blue eyes?"

"Has to be her..." he said. The wives could tell that he was struggling to come to terms with reality. "You said she is coming by today, right?"

"Yeah, she should be here soon."

He shook his head slowly and smiled. "It will be so good to see her. I hope she doesn't resent me for leaving home."

"I don't think it's anything like that," Maya assured him. "She talked to me about how your dad treated you when you came out. It still hurts her to this day." Maya didn't want to out Molly to her own brother, so she chose to leave it at that.

"Alright everyone," Carina yelled excitedly with a clap. "Our goal today is to get the room painted, the bathroom and kitchen in working condition, and the bedroom furniture together."

"Seems like a lot of work," Andy said, already exhausted.

"It will be, but trust me, these girls are worth it," Maya added.

"I want to officially meet Alicia one day," Andy said. "I think I could really talk to her about what it's like to lose a parent. I know that pain all too well."

Carina's eyes stared straight into Maya's. The blonde gulped and whispered, "Yeah, maybe one day."

An hour passed and the team was busy renovating the small space. The DeLuca kids and Tanner were playing on the swing set outside. Josie was on the swings and forced the boys to take turns pushing her, because using her legs was too much work.

"Hi Molly!" the little girl yelled from the swing. "Is Leesha with you?" she asked.

Molly went over to the swingset and sat down in the free swing next to her and said, "No, she has treatment today. Hopefully, she will be able to come home in a few days."

Josie nodded in understanding and then out of nowhere grabbed Molly's hand. She whispered, "I know your Leesha's girlfriend. I won't tell anyone though. I promise. I love her and I bet you do too."

Molly smiled at Jojo and added, "You can tell people, Jojo. It's okay. I do love her and the world deserves to know. Are your moms in the pool house?"

"Yup, everyone is in there!" she beamed. A few seconds later she demanded, "Tanner, push me higher!"

Molly laughed at Jojo, ruffled her hair, and then made her way over to the pool house. The second she walked inside she locked eyes with her older brother.

"Emmett?" she asked, stunned.

"Hi, Molls," he said, quietly. He walked over to her and wrapped her in a massive hug in which she immediately reciprocated.

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