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Episode-1 {Pilot} Part-1

³rd POV

The Gilbert Residence

Elena is in her room writing in her diary.

Dear Diary,
Today will be different. It has to be. I will smile and it will be believable. My smile will say 'I'm fine! Thank you.' I will no longer be the sad girl who lost her parents. It's the only way I can make it through. My parents may be no longer by my side but I will stay strong, for Jer and Jenna.

Elena, Elena Gilbert had been struggling to live a normal life ever since her parents, Miranda and Grayson Gilbert, died in a car accident, last spring. Elena is a star student. She is popular, sporty, smart, compassionate, empathetic, caring and friendly. She could be very vulnerable and a damsel in distress.

But little did she know, her life was gonna change this year.

But little did she know, her life was gonna change this year

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In evening
At the Salvatore Boarding House

Stefan came home after bumping into Elena at the cemetery. He is writing in his diary.

"I lost control today. Everything I had kept buried inside me came rushing to the surface. I'm simply not able to resist her. Elena. Elena Gilbert. I keep telling myself she isn't Katherine."

As he was writing in his diary, a figure was leaning on his door.

"Well aren't you looking handsome!", the person on the door exclaimed.

Stefan looked at her and blurted, "Avian?"

She smirked, "The one and only."

He went up to her walking and gave her a tight hug. Once he pulled away, he asked her, "What are you doing here?"

Avian's POV

Stefan got up from his place and gave me a bone-crushing hug.  He pulled away and asked the question that I know he was wondering about the moment he saw me, "What are you doing here?"

"Well, a little Bambi told me that the youngest Salvatore is back in Mystic Falls to decrease the number of squirrels left in Mystic Falls. And I was really bored in Florida, volunteering as a medical acquaintance at that surfing module. So here I am." I answered him using a little of DAMON HUMOUR. And started roaming around his room.

"Ya, Real funny." He chuckled and said sarcastically. "Oh and remember I am joining you at school from tomorrow," I told him while picking up his guitar.

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