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Episode-3 {Friday Night Bites} 


Avian's POV


"So, the end of the story is even if yesterday was a hectic day, it ended with a pretty romantic-cliche kiss." I said to Stefan as we were walking together through the school compound. Stefan told me how Elena visited him at the Boarding House and they had an emotional conversation. She told him about some stuff, leading to a tender kiss.

"Yep." Stefan said grinning ear to ear. "Yesterday didn't feel that bad after it." 

"Awwww..." I smiled at him. "My Steffy is in loovvee...." I teased.

He hit me with his shoulder. "Oh. Shut up. Let's talk about you. Anyone particular caught your eye?" He asked.

"Naa." I replied. " The guys in Mystic Falls are not my type. And I am living here now. This is a small town. So, one-night stands are not an option. And you know, I'm not into dating. It has not been my scene for a long time." 

"You should find someone. Someone who gets you. It has been a long time since him you know." We were now standing in the middle, looking at each other. 

"I know." I replied in a low voice. "It is just tough, Stef. I know it has been years but I cannot just give away the place, the importance he  once had in my life."

He caressed my cheek with one of his hands. 


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"Okay. I won't push you. You can talk about it whenever you want to. You know that right?" He said and gave me a small smile. I nodded and smiled."Yes, I do. Thank you."

We started walking again. I saw Bonnie and Elena walking towards the building. We approached them.  "Good morning, Elena. Good morning, Bonnie." We said in sync. 

I looked at Stefan and said, "This is getting creepy now."

Bonnie seemed uncomfortable to me. She said, "Hey, um, I gotta find Caroline. She's not answering her phone. So I'll see you guys later." She leaves without giving me or Stefan a second glance.

"Bonnie, wait..." Elena tries to stop her. 

"She doesn't like me very much. Or her." Stefan concluded. "Quite an observation, Einstein." I said sarcastically. He gave me a 'not now' look. I raised my hands in mock surrender.

"She doesn't know you. Both of you." Elena stated. "She's my best friend. She's just looking out for me. But when she does, she will love you both."  

"Here's what we're going to do. Are you guys free tonight?" She asked both of us. 

"Yes." Stefan answered while I said, "Yep.".

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