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Episode-4 {Family Ties}

³rd POV


Stefan wakes up in his bedroom with a scream. He saw Damon sitting at his desk, smirking at him. 

"Bad dream?" Damon asked, "Do you know how easy it was to get into your head just now? You really need some human blood. It might even be the playing field. Football reference. Too soon."

Stefan throws a letter opener at Damon, hitting him in the stomach. Damon groans and pulls it out. After bickering for a bit about last night, Damon stabs Stefan in the stomach. It hurts Stefan more than Damon, for Stefan falls to the floor.

Just as Damon was about to leave, the door slammed open. Avian enters the room. Her eyes were blazing with anger.

"Enough!", She yelled.

Damon freezes, caught off guard by her sudden appearance. Stefan struggles to get up, clutching his wound.

She glares at Damon. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

He smirked. "Just having a little fun, honey. No need to get all worked up."

"Fun?" She asked. "You call stabbing your brother fun? This is getting out of control, Damon."

Damon's smirk faded as she stepped closer, her presence commanding attention.

"Vini, it's not what it looks like—" He started.

She cuts him off, "Oh, save it. I have been trying to keep my cool on but this...", she gestures to Stefan's wound, "this is too far."

Damon looks down, unable to meet her eyes. Stefan slowly gets to his feet, still in pain.

 "If you two keep this up, you will destroy each other. Is that what you want?" She asked in a low voice. "We used to be friends. We used to have each other's backs. What happened to that?"

"Things changed." Damon replied coldly and quietly. 

She stepped before Damon and took his face in her hands, softly rubbing her thumbs on his cheeks. "They don't have to. But it starts with you, Dames. You have to stop this madness." Her voice was barely a whisper.

Damon didn't reply anything. Avian sighs and drops her hand from his face. She walks over to Stefan, helping him stay upright.

"Let's get you patched up." She said to him. Stefan nodded, grateful for her support. Damon watches them. Avian looks back at him, her eyes softening just a bit.

"Think about what you want, Damon." She whispered, "Because if you keep going down this path, you'll lose everything."

With that, Avian helps Stefan out of the room. Damon stands alone, in the middle of the room, with the air around him thick with unresolved tension.

 Damon stands alone, in the middle of the room, with the air around him thick with unresolved tension

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