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I write because it's easier

I write because That way I won't forget

I write the things I can't say

I write when I can't speak

I write when I feel alone, sad, mad, or even happy

I write because memories hurt but when you put them down on ink they get softer and bearable

I write when my chest hurts and my heart beats because they keep telling me to do it

Because that's the way I can transform everything that's inside

I write because there are dreams that deserve to be written and not forgotten

I write so my nightmares won't catch me when I'm being chased

I write because it's a painkiller

I write because it's the only thing I know how to do

I write because the noise of the pen or the clicks of the keys hides the whispers of sadness in the tears

I write to escape, but I also write to stay

I write because I can't help it

I write because it's everything I am

I write because it's the only thing I am

I write because when the thoughts get louder the words on the paper calm them down

I write to forgive

I write to survive

I write because I think that's how magic works

I write because I don't wanna be hopeless

I write so I can't feel what I feel

I write so I can feel better with the things I'm feeling

I write so I can be with my own

I write so I can know myself

I write so I can live with myself

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