~My First Love~

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I still remember how my eyes twinkled
When he approached me, with his face wrinkled.

His eyes stared me and I stared him back
He touched my nose and I grabbed his hand.

He bent his neck and kissed my head
A giggle escaped my mouth, at a touch like that.

This was the beginning of our love
He followed me everywhere like a dove.

He always had a habit of wrapping around arms around me
As if promising not to let any harm ever touch me .

I was deeply touched at his gentleman-ness
He was my king and I was his princess.

Everything was perfect but one fine night
We had an argument which led to our first fight.

I had grew wings and wanted to fly high
But he was my knight who can't afford a goodbye.

We fought like no tomorrow
And dwelled in our own sorrow.

But finally he let me go
And I couldn't help but smile, though.

I know it is difficult for him
To see me go away like grim
But there is something I want to tell him,

"No matter how far I get from you
You will always be my first love Dad and I would never forget you".

~ Sonia

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