Chapter 4

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"I'm hungryyy." George had been whining about his hunger for the last hour, but there's nothing they can do about it. They've been walking on empty plains this whole time, not an animal or tree in sight. "I know, but I don't have any food. You and Blade ate the last apples this morning." "Then we have to go find some! I'm starving."

Dream sighed and turned to George, arms spreading wide. "George look around you! There's nothing here! How are we supposed to find food?" "I don't know!" The brunette just crossed his arms and pouted, flinching only the slightest bit when his shoulder started to ache again. Dream sighed and started to walk again, still following the direction the crow had pointed them.

Talking about the bird, it had perched itself on top of Blade, comfortably resting on the pig's back as it trotted along. Flying so much must be exhausting, so it's understandable that it needs to rest every now and again. The two seemed to be chatting too, soft cooing and trilling leaving the bird's throat as the pig grunted in return. Even if they weren't actually talking, it was a cute sight either way. The small heart pendant around the crow's neck glittered in the sun, reminding Dream why they were doing this in the first place.

"Philza must have some food. So the quicker we get there, the quicker we can eat something." That seems to get the brunette's attention, as his steps quicken up to match Dream's pace again. "He better... or I'll murder you." He really hopes that their assumptions about the black bird were right, or they could face huge consequences for it. George's whining did cause fear to spread through his masked friend. Starving to death is a possibility... both in real life and Minecraft.

But there is no way they could be wrong about this, right? No way this random crow just wears the symbol that's obviously Philza's signature and not actually have something to do with him. Right?

At this point the sun was high in the sky, burning down at them without any mercy. It made Dream painfully aware of how hot he is in his hoodie and how dry his tongue feels. He lifts his hoodie a little to see that he's wearing a dark grey shirt beneath it, so he could just take it off. Otherwise he'll probably overheat.

"George?" "Mm?" "Can you turn away for a sec? I want to take my hoodie off but my mask might slip." The other just hummed and turned his head to look at the soft hills to their right. Dream quickly used that opportunity to take the warm piece of clothing off and tie it around his waist instead. Once he was sure that his mask was still in place, he sighed and stretched his arms, immediately feeling a lot better without the extra heat boiling him alive.

"Alright. You can look again." George looked back over at him for a second, before turning to look back to what's in front of him. "I'll be honest, for a second I was expecting you to just walk around shirtless." "Yeah right, and risk having my whole back sunburned. It's already bad enough when it's just the arms and neck." The brunette just laughed and rubbed at his arms with the damaged shoulder. "Yeah, I'm starting to notice that."

The crow cawed and flew away from their spot on Blade's back to hover above them, cawing and squawking at something to their left. Both looked over and saw something reflecting the sunlight a little bit away from them. "What is that?" "I don't know. Let's go check it out." "Sometimes I think you have a death wish."

Dream followed his friend when he started to walk over to where the crow was pointing them. "It's a river!" "What?" "Yeah! A small river!" George laughed and rushed over to the glittering water, walking into it without hesitation. The cold water felt heavenly against his way too warm skin, even if his clothes are now soaked wet.

"Come on! We can cool off a bit!" The masked man just laughed and joins his friend in the water, sighing softly when the water cools him off. It wasn't a deep river, the deepest spot probably about only waist high, but it was water and a way to cool off after walking in the blazing sun for so long.

"Do you think we can drink this? My throat feels like I ate sand..." "I don't know... it shouldn't be salt water but we can't be su- George!" The brunette happily scooped up some water in his hands and drank it without much hesitation. "Doesn't taste like salt water." "It could have parasites or some shit!" "Better than dehydrating. Now stop being a baby and drink some."

Dream sighed and stared down at the water that was rushing past his feet. "If this kills me, I will come back and haunt you for the rest of your life." "Yeah yeah." He knelt down, allowing the water to rise to his waist before scooping up the clear liquid and starts drinking it.

It didn't taste bad... but that doesn't have to mean anything. Yet the dryness of his mouth and throat made him drink another handful... and another... and he kept going until he felt like he couldn't stomach any more. George next to him laughed and sat down at the river bank, letting his feet dangle in the water, still wearing shoes and all.

Blade seemed to want to copy his owner and stuck his head into the water, happily drinking as well. Even the crow hopped off his back and drank some gulps. Looks like they all are dehydrated...

"You will have to pee the whole day after drinking so much." "Wouldn't be the first time." After he was done, he fully sat down in the water, which was barely reaching his chest. It just felt so good...

"We'll probably get sick from this..."


"We're soaked wet."

"The sun will dry us."

"If we catch something from this."

"Stop worrying so much! We'll be fine!" Dream sighed and stared up at the sky, watching the very few small clouds slowly flow by. "It's beautiful... if you forget about all the things that want to kill us." "Yeah... it really is."

They stayed for a while longer before finally getting back up after the crow started to caw at them. It was a little bit cold when wind would rush by, but otherwise the wet clothes were not as bad as Dream thought they would be.

The crow had settled back down on it's spot on Blade's back, almost looking like it was about to fall asleep. "They're cute..." "Mm... I still miss Patches though..." "I'm sure she's alright..." "I hope so too..." They continued to walk in silence, both thinking about their family and pets back home.

That is, until Dream spotted something in the distance. This time it wasn't something shiny, but more like a... building of sorts. "Hey what is that?" George looked at it now too, squinting his eyes to try and see it better. "I don't know."

The crow squawked and took to the skies, cawing down at the two before flying into the direction of the building. "Guess that's him?" "Then let's go!" George grabbed his arm and dragged him towards what he hoped could be some sort of base.

// Sorry for the rushed end ♡

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