Chapter 11

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The next day didn't bring much of a difference to the ones before. Phil and Techno got up only a bit after the sun rose and ate their breakfast, laughing and discussing plans for the day. Dream and George on the other hand slept way into early noon. Why, no one really knew, since yesterday wasn't that stressful.

When they finished their breakfast and left the house with Blade in tow, Phil and Techno were almost done with harvesting the farm. "Morning you two!" The oldest grinned and waved, his trusty hat successfully keeping the sun out of his eyes while Techno had to squint and use his hand to block the bright light.

"Morning." George yawned and leaned against the house wall, still trying to fully wake up. "You two are up early..." Techno huffed and lifted a basket with potatoes over the small fence around the farm. "What do you mean early? It's noon." The two looked up at the sky and Dream immediately laughed. "Ups...sorry about that." "It's fine. We didn't plan for anything special today anyways."

Phil grinned and went back to bundling up all the wheat from today's harvest. He and Techno had agreed on expanding the farm, just to make sure they have enough food. If they notice that some food would go bad or that their current harvest was especially good, they will just trade it at the village for emeralds. Now that they got a rough idea on how useful trading with villages actually is, they made an effort to try and save up trade-able stuff and valuables in case they ever spontaneously need something.

"Hey Phil?" "Yes?" The blonde looked up at George again, who was staring at him from his spot against the wall. "Since when do you have earrings?" Oh right, they don't know about Techno's little gift yesterday. During breakfast and getting ready for the day they had figured out that the florist Kai had slipped something else together with the earrings into Techno's possession. The two were very happy when they realized that they could turn the earrings into clip-ons, so they won't actually need to have their ears pierced. Now both of them each proudly wore one of the glittering emeralds.

"Since yesterday. We got them at the flower shop." "You... bought earrings? Why?" "The florist gave them to me as a gift. He said it's a thank you for buying so many flowers." Techno lifted the second basket over the fence, this one full with carrots. His emerald glittered in the sunlight as it softly swung back and forth from the movement. "Dreeeaaaammm I want matching stuff too!" "George we don't have anything..." "Then let's find something!"

Phil laughed as he watched George shake his friend like a small kid begging their parent for something in the store. "Next time we go to the village, we can see if we find something for you two. How does that sound?" "Great!" "Now that that's settled, help me get these to the house and then we can split them between us."

The group laughed and carried the baskets to Phil and Techno's house first, filling up the food barrels before bringing the rest over to the other house. If there is one thing that won't happen to them, it's starving. Even if they would have to live of potatoes and carrots for months.

"Should we go explore a bit? I haven't fully mapped out the surrounding area yet, only parts into the woods and the village." Phil looked out the window of the house, watching as Brian and Blade played together. There were affirmative hums from the group, except for one person. "You know what I think about going outside..." "Yes we know George, but we can't hide in here forever." "Why not? It's save, we have food and water..."

"Because we need to find a way out of here. We can't do that by just sitting in here. Or do you want to stay in this world for the rest of your life?" George looked down at his hands, obviously sad now. Of course he wants to go home, why would he ever want to stay in a world full of monsters for the rest of his life? "I want to go home... but I don't want to die trying to get there."

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