Chapter 10

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Time for Emeraldduo fluff because Phil needs a hug : )


It was definitely new for Techno to be around other people, let alone sleep somewhere else than in a dirt hole or small cave. And now he had an actual bed and a roof over his head, warm food and a companion to talk to. A friend. The silence had been so deafening whenever he laid down to rest. Even with the small sounds of monsters on the surface. Of course it was, he lives with his family back home. Everything being silent is just something that rarely ever happens.

Now he was laying wide awake in his warm bed, staring at the ceiling of the single room house. He could hear Phil's soft breathing from the other side of the room. Last night, when he first got here, he was so exhausted but so happy to see his friends again. Being in a house full of people felt so familiar that he fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. But now, well rested and with his thoughts at a 100 miles per hour, it wasn't that easy anymore.

After spending so long on his own... it was a little weird to hear other people around, no matter how happy he was about it at first. Especially when his mind was now trained on the thought that every sound is a danger that could end his life.

With a sigh, he sat up in his bed and looked around the room. Phil was curled up on his bed with Brian nested in his pillow. The soft light of a single lantern in the corner prevented monsters from spawning inside the house while also making the room look even more cozy. The furnaces were still warm and made sure that the cold from outside couldn't reach them in here.

It did feel like a home.

His gaze went to the window. Yep... still nighttime. The few scattered lanterns kept everything light up just enough so it was safe. He couldn't even hear any monster sounds around... and somehow it made him feel more nervous than when he did hear them.

"You okay?" His head spun back to face Phil, who was looking at him, hair a mess and still half buried in his blanket. "Yeah. I just can't sleep." The blonde hummed and fully sat up, yawning and stretching. He still looked exhausted, but that doesn't seem to bother him. "A reason for it or just not tired?" "I... don't know. Both I guess."

Phil hums and rubs his eyes before climbing out of his bed. He went to the little kitchen area and pulled a bottle with water out of one of the barrels, looking like he would fall asleep on the spot. "What's on your mind? Maybe I can help." Techno watched as his friend sat down on the edge of his bed and holds the bottle out for him to take. He took it and watched the water swirl around in the glass for a bit.

"It's nothing bad. Just not used to being around people. It was so silent the last week and now... it's weird to hear sounds that don't mean danger." "Oh..." The younger took a sip from the bottle, feeling a bit awkward now. "You know, you shouldn't have gotten up just to give me some water. I could have done that myself." "Well... I did think you were up because of nightmares or something." He grinned and scratched the back of his head. "Careful Phil. You're Dadza is showing again." The blonde laughed and pulled his shirt a bit tighter around himself, as if cold. "I was just worried okay? Can't blame me for that. I had nightmares here too, the mobs are just that terrifying."

"Yeah... they are. Have you seen an Enderman yet? If Ranboo is here, I really hope he doesn't look like that." Phil laughes and nods his head. "Oh yes. They are scary as hell. George got attacked by one too. Poor guy." The pink haired man watched as his friend rubbed his arm a bit, now obviously showing he was cold. But of course that stubborn bastard didn't admit it and rather sits there shivering. Techno huffed and threw half of the blanket over Phil, keeping the other half for himself. "Careful old man. You're bones will start complaining about the cold." The other playfully shoved his friend, but accepted the blanket anyways and wrapped it more around himself. "This could have been so wholesome you little shit."

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