Chapter 24

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Tubbo crashed into Tommy, making them both fall over and roll down the hill a little, tangled in a tight hug and giddy laughter. "I missed you man!" "It's so good to see you Tubs!" The two grinned and laughed and refused to let go of each other, even when being covered in dirt and grass. 

Meanwhile Wilbur reached Phil, who stumbled his way up the hill with his wings instinctively flailing around behind him. It wasn't doing much, since he barely even had half of his feathers grown yet, but it sure was funny to look at. "Wil!" The shorter wrapped his friend in a tight hug, flapping his wings happily. Wilbur laughed and squeezed Phil tightly, lifting him a tiny bit in the air. "Phil! Oh my god it's so good to see you! And you have wings!" Phil laughed and spread them wide. "I do!" Wilbur grinned and put the older down again, who grinned back up at him, flashing only slightly sharper canines. "Oh thank god you guys are alright. I was so worried knowing you're probably somewhere out there."

"He did almost die! I saved him!", Tubbo so helpfully supplied from his spot being squished. Wilbur huffed, grinning at the small brunette. "The iron golem saved me." "I sent it out! That counts!" While the two were grinning at the memory, Phil didn't look so happy about the news. "What happened? Are you okay?" "Oh yeah I'm fine. All healed up. Almost got swarmed by mobs during the night." "That sounds familiar", a deep voice huffed from behind Phil, the smile clearly audible in it. 

"Techno!" He grinned and held his arms out for Wilbur, who gave him the biggest hug of his life. "I can't believe this is how we meet for the first time! You look great man! God were you always this tall? Rocking that pink hair by the way." Techno just rolled his eyes, flicking him against the forehead. "Why does everyone keep bringing it up?" "Well it is a pretty obvious change." He rubbed his forehead, completely unbothered, until something smashed into his side and held on. "Missed you too Wil!" Tommy grinned, clinging to him like a koala. Wilbur laughed and hugged Tommy. "You too gremlin child." 

There were more greetings exchanged between all of them, laughter and hugs and comments about their slowly changing appearances. It was warm and happy and familiar, a semblance of home, of safety. "Let's go inside. It's getting dark and I wouldn't want Wil to get attacked a second time." Murmured agreements helped shooing everyone inside the protective wall of their base, hidden away from all the monsters that have started to crawl out of their hideouts. 

"Wow... look at this place." "Eh. It's getting a bit packed in here... at this point we might need to move some stuff to get more spaces for the houses. Maybe put all the food farms outside with the wheat and put the storage into a basement... or into a side room in the mines. Basements for all the houses would also be great if the space is enough."  Phil's mind was buzzing with ideas for new small buildings and plans to move around stuff efficiently. His hardcore brain was thinking about possible farms that may have worked just fine for automating stuff in the game, but now they might not work that well. 

Techno pats Wilbur's shoulder, guiding him towards an already set up campfire for their shared dinner. "Don't mind him, he does that sometimes. Just nod along or ignore it. Really should get him a notebook or something for all of his rambling." Tommy snorted at that from his position already sitting in his spot. "Won't that make him ramble more?" "Eh. Maybe." 

"You said you guys used an iron golem against the mobs?" George flopped down in his spot, stretching his arms above his head. "Well, more like I told the village golem to go over there." Bad piped up at that. "Which village did you guys come from?" "The one with Elfstone. He knew Phil and could tell us where to go to find you guys." The quiet mumbling next to Wilbur stopped. "Elfstone? Oh we should really go back to that village soon. Shouldn't take that long now that we have the horses." And there he goes mumbling again, Brian on his shoulder occasionally cheeping into the conversation. 

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