Chapter 17

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//Techno angst maybe? idk i am not good at angst yet xD

Techno knew something was wrong when Brian came speeding towards them, cawing and shrieking to get their attention. This wasn't like when Tommy came to them to help... this time the crow seemed panicked himself. Without any hesitation, Techno dropped his stuff on the ground and ran back to the base, telling the others to keep building and that he will get them if he needs to, reassuring them that it's probably just Phil moving around the house when not supposed to. Though Tommy did look guilty about it when he was told to just stay and keep going, like nothing was wrong.

The first time he leaves Phil all by himself and then there is immediately some sort of trouble. Who wouldn't feel guilty about that?

Techno practically smashed the button that opens the heavy iron doors before pushing them open and was about to run towards the house, ready to give Phil the biggest lecture of his life about watching his health, when he noticed movement out of the corner of his eye, near where their small food farm is. To his horror, that movement turned out to be Phil. Phil outside the safety of their house, without a shirt or his hat to protect him from the sun that's burning down on them, his new featherless wings with fresh skin that is highly sensitive to any outside influence twitching on his back as he moves around the farm, a pained expression on his face and clenched teeth which only show in how much pain he actually is and all of that while he is trying to replant the field all by himself.

Shit... Techno forgot to do that this morning.

"Phil! What do you think you are doing?!" Phil grumbled something under his breath, his body shaking with effort when he scooted a bit to the side so he can reach the next section of the field. For a second the younger thought his friend was pretending not to hear him, which honestly only made him even more mad. But them came the answer to his question, hissed through clenched teeth while he leaned down a bit further so he can reach a spot further in the back of the field. "Feeding... you... little shits... ow..."

Techno sighed and walked over to where Phil was working on the last section of the field, grabbed him by the arms and carefully pulled him away from the field. He tried to not hurt him, he really did, because he would never willingly hurt his friend in any way, but it did seem to still hurt him though as Phil yelped and flinched away from his touch instantly. He let go of his arms as soon as the first pained noise left the other's throat, instead crossing them in front of his chest like a parent ready to lecture their child. Funny, how the tables have turned now, with the usual parent now on the ground and waiting to be yelled at.

But he felt bad... and maybe doesn't want to even give an opening to try and start a new argument that cold end in chaos, so he tries the calm approach first. "Phil please. You are in no condition to be doing any kind of physical work right now. Just go back inside and rest. We don't want you to get hurt." The blonde only huffed and picked at the grass beneath him. "I don't want to back inside. It's boring and I feel trapped in there, not doing anything to help you guys. Please... I feel better, I promise. It barely hurts anymore. I don't need to stay in bed."

Techno didn't know what to do. On one hand, it's not good for Phil to be walking around yet, especially outside. He knows Phil is straight up lying to his face about the pain, literally flinching whenever he moves or when his wings even slightly brush over the ground. This is not healthy at all and he knows this... but on the other hand... the way he practically begged to be allowed outside again, the desperation and even fear in his voice about being forced to go back inside... it made him feel kinda bad. They did trap him in the house... not even giving him the option to somehow leave, even if he wouldn't want to.

"You can't stay outside like this though. You'll burn your skin and your wings. A sunburn won't exactly help the growing or healing in any way." "We can cover it!" "With what? We don't have any wing friendly clothes for you yet. And your wings would need to be covered as well." "We can make holes in my clothes. That'll be enough right? We don't have to fit all the feathers through yet, just the bones." "And your wings?" "I can put a blanket over them!" "You'll get a heatstroke." "Not in the shade! And it's only my wings, not the rest of my body."

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