Chapter 8

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"You guys really did work all day huh?" George watched Dream for a moment, who was already knocked out on the bed and snoring softly. Blade waddles up to his owner's bed and climbs on top of it, curling up against his chest immediately. Seeing the small pig interact with his friend like that the past few days was honestly the most adorable thing he had ever seen.

"Yeah... we went down into the mine when the sun was still pretty low... late morning I would guess." The blonde was sitting on his own bed, leaning against the wall as he nibbled on a slice of bread. He wanted to sleep too, but his hunger was greater than his exhaustion right now. George also had a piece of bread and tore off a small piece when Brian perched himself on his knee to beg for some treats. The furnaces in the furthest corner were working on smelting down the iron and gold they had found, keeping the room warm and cozy against the cold that was rising outside.

"I have to check the farm tomorrow... and get some more wood..." Phil looked out the window, his gaze flickering between all the different spots where he sees tasks that need to be done. "Can I help with something? I kinda feel left out here..." The blonde looked back at the younger and frowned. "George, you're injured." "So? I'm pretty sure I can still help with stuff. Besides, it doesn't hurt that much anymore." "You say that now. Then you get stuck on something or move your shoulder the wrong way and it starts to hurt again."

"God you're such a dad. No wonder why everyone calls you that." Phil just threw his pillow at the other with all the strength he had left, who ducked out of the way and laughed. "You little shit. Don't join them. I'm trying to look out for your well being." George just kept laughing, so Phil went back to eat his bread and sulk in silence, Brian now crooning 'Dadza' every few moments to annoy his friend even more.

And through it all, Dream didn't even flinch and kept on sleeping.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

This time, George was the first to wake up. No wonder considering how exhausted Phil and Dream had been yesterday, while he had slept most of the day. The two were still fast asleep, curled up in their blankets and snoring softly. Brian and Blade were also asleep, both huddled together at the foot of Dream's bed.

Carefully, the brunette sneaked his way out of the house, not wanting to wake them up. After all that work they deserve a long sleep. He yawned and stretched, feeling sharp pain bolt through his shoulder when he stretched a bit too far. He groaned and clutched the fabric over the wound, which had been changed from Dream's makeshift bandages to actual clean ones. Where Phil got them from both didn't know. Probably from the village too.

George watched as small spots on the bandage started to change color a little. Great... Maybe Phil was right about the whole 'not helping' part.

The sun was just creeping over the wall of their little home, making everything have a golden glow to it. Even with his limited vision when it comes to colors, it still looked beautiful. "Now what do I do..." There wasn't exactly a lot of things that could keep him occupied in here. He was a little scared to go near the farm, worried that he might ruin the crops by either doing it wrong or harvesting them too early. He'll leave that to Phil... he seems like he knows what he's doing, since he actually has bread and potatoes that they can eat.

Gathering wood was out of the question. He won't leave the base by himself and chopping down a tree with only one arm would probably not work either. Mining was also a no go, both because he was scared and because of his shoulder. So... what else was there to do?

He just sat down in the grass and started to play with a small flower. His mind wandered to what happened the last few days. How he woke up in the middle of wide plains, terrified and confused. He remembers the first night and the Enderman that attacked him, how he found Dream and then Philza... It sure has been a weird few days. It felt so much longer than that too. And to think that in the same two days him and Dream had been here, Phil built all of this...

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