Chapter 16

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Getting a horse seemed to hype all the residents of the small base. The sun had barely risen above the horizon, just finishing burning the last few mobs and chasing Creepers back into the forests and caves, when the four adults went back to the fenced area and began to construct the foundation for the stable. Techno had left the house after shoving a carrot into his mouth for breakfast, leaving Phil and Tommy to sleep a bit longer. That didn't hold that long though, as Tommy woke up soon after and accidentally disturbed the winged man when he made himself breakfast. No surprise there.

As usual Phil complained about his back and not getting enough sleep, just to silently eat the breakfast Tommy brought him while staring out the window, too lazy to complain further after he got what he wanted. His back was actually feeling better than it had in days, the burning pain now lowering to a weaker stinging whenever his wings moved. It gave him hope that today might be the last day of active growing and then the feathers will start to develop. From what he can see, the last joint was out now, so there shouldn't be a lot of bone missing until he reached full wingspan, at least without feathers. They had already made quite the jump in size from yesterday morning to this morning.

"Phil?" The blonde turned his head away from the window and towards the teen, who stood by the door, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. "Can I go help the others build? I'm bored. And you look better so..." Phil huffed and shook his head. Ah yes, kids, always wanting to get away from responsibility. Though he can't blame him for it, the house was pretty boring. "You think I am not bored?" "Well... you probably are but..." "Just go before I change my mind. You listen to what the others tell you though. I don't want to hear any complaints from them." "Thank you!"

Tommy grinned, grabbed the stone sword he was given for self defense (As they do not trust him with any other material yet) and rushed out the door, leaving Phil by himself. Well, not by himself, he had Brian with him. The crow trilled and looked up at him, making him laugh. "You think I don't know that? Someone has to tell him what to do or he'll end up causing way too much trouble. Besides, it's not us making him ask for permission to do stuff, that's all him." Brian just crooned and cuddled closer to him, mockingly saying 'Goodnight Dad' before going back to sleep.

Phil decided that he should get some more sleep too, mainly because he can feel how the last part of the wings was starting to slip out and it felt disgusting, so he rather try and not be awake when that happens.

~ ~ ~ ~

"Oh no, the child his coming." Techno looked up from where he was helping Sapnap with the layout of the stable to see what Dream meant, just to see Tommy sprinting over the small bridge and towards them. For a second he felt panic grip his heart, thinking that something happened with Phil and that he as here to get them to help. But when he stopped in front of them, grinning with his sword at his hip, he knew this wasn't an emergency at all. "Tommy, you are supposed to stay with Phil." "He allowed me to help you guys! He's feeling much better so he doesn't need to be watched." "Did he say that or did you?" "I mean... he implied it." "Tommy-"

"Let the kid help. If Phil would have wanted him to stay he wouldn't be here. Or Brian would have already come over to fetch him." Tommy grinned at Dream, very much appreciating that he defended him and Techno knew that the masked man will be his favorite person for the day, just because he did that. "Fine... Help Dream set up the corners once we are done here." "Got it!" Tommy happily took the offered cobblestone and wood from the masked man as they watched Sapnap and Techno finish the general layout, using cobblestone to mark the walls.

"Do you think it's big enough?" George walked along the small wall that was supposed to mark the sleeping spot of the horse. "Should be. We can make the actual stable part a bit bigger so the horse has enough space to lay down and walk around a bit." "Sure. Carl only deserves the best." Sapnap laughed as he moved the cobblestone a bit further out.

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