Chapter 25

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Night passed by much faster than it should, leaving the residents of the small base to groan in annoyance as bright sunlight tried to wake them up. Most try to keep sleeping, hiding beneath blankets and turning away from the windows. Some are not so lucky and got the chance to keep sleeping. Like Tommy, who got kicked off the bed by Tubbo in his sleep as he turned around, yelling when he hit the floor and waking some other people living in the small house.

"Tommy..." Wilbur grumbled, rolling over and pulling the blanket over his head, which promptly got yanked back with a huff from Techno. "Stop stealing the blanket.". He whined, yanking back, but Techno growled and kept himself wrapped in his half of the blanket. Usually Wilbur would fight back or just give some witty comeback, but Techno was quite frankly towering over him now with his weird growth spurt and could probably throw him across the room if he annoyed him too much. And Techno was definitely not a morning person. Unless he absolutely has too.

"It's not my fault Tubbo kicked me off! Yell at him, not me!" "Shut up Tommy, it's too early for this." "But-!" "Go back to sleep." The youngest glared between where he could barely see Techno's pink hair poke out of the blanket and the still sleeping Tubbo, ready to give them a piece of his mind, already taking a deep breath to string together some curses when... 

A quiet chirp. 

Tommy turned to look at it's origin, thinking it was Brian that made the noise, but crows don't exactly... chirp, right? Sure, the bird made a bunch of not crow like sounds already, which was weird, but still. He watched the lump hidden beneath a blanket start shifting, large black feathers starting to poke out. Phil turned around on the bed, eyes still shut tightly, obviously still asleep or at least trying to stay asleep with all the noise. He groaned a bit and nuzzled into the pillow, wings shifting and settling back down. His body went still again, he took a deeper breath, but instead of sighing like a normal person, he chirped into the pillow. A soft, high pitched chirp, not even close to his actual voice.

What the fuck. 

"Did... did you guys hear that?" Tommy turned back to Wilbur's bed and saw both Techno and Wilbur sat up and staring at Phil. "That did not just happen. I refuse. I know he whistles a bunch to his music, but this is just wrong." Techno actually looked like he has seen a ghost. "He's changing into an actual fucking bird. I can't believe it." They exchange glances, not sure how to actually process this new knowledge. "Should... should we like... do something?" "What is there to do? It's this weird shifting thing that is happening to us. Not like we can change anything." 

Wilbur hummed, eyeing Techno and his more Piglin features. "So that is what's happening. I was gonna ask about you guys looking so weird. Phil is still missing a bunch of feathers after all, so it would have been weird if he spawned like this. Unless it's like the fucking SMP lore or some shit where he has the damaged wings..." Techno nodded, stretching now that they won't be going back to sleep. "Yup, we are slowly just switching over. Pretty much what we figured out is that the longer you stay here, the more you start to change. And Phil has been here the longest, which is why he looks the most changed. Or more the most dramatically changed, considering his Minecraft skin and all."  

Tommy nodded, hands already moving about in dramatic gestures. "Yeah, watching him grow his wings was disgusting. They literally split his back open and slipped out like some weird alien horror movie. But like... really slow, over multiple days. Techno always cleaned all the blood and shit because Phil could barely move from the pain." Wilbur shuddered, immediately thinking of that one scene in a movie when the alien bursts out of the humans chest. He had never watched the full movie, but everyone knows that scene at least. "Yeah that's enough information or I'll puke in the bed." "Don't you dare." 

"Would you guys shut up." 

They turned back to Phil's bed, where tired blue eyes stared at them, slitted against the bright light. Right... they can do that now. Gods that looks so weird, like an angry cat. A bird cat. "Sorry." Phil yawned and stretched, wings billowing out from under the blanket, making it slip off the bed. "If it makes you feel any better, Tubbo kicked Tommy of the bed. I think that's the worse way to wake up." He snorted, hiding his grin in the pillow.  "Yeah yeah you laugh at me old man. At least I don't make weird bird sounds." 

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