Chapter 13

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//I'm starting to see a trend of me focusing more on SBI... sorry in advance xD

To say that the night was hell for Phil was an understatement. His back felt like it was burning and pain shot up his spine whenever he moved, constantly ripping him out of the light sleep he managed to fall into. He had never felt this shit before... and it only got worse when morning approached.

Techno at least tried to be quiet when he woke up, tiptoeing his way to the small kitchen area and taking a piece of bread for breakfast before sneaking back to his bed to silently eat his bread and stare at the wall in thought. He didn't even realize that Phil was awake, which was probably a good thing because the blonde was not in a talking mood right now. That was not the case with Tommy.

The teen may not be a morning person, but once he had a chance to fully wake up, there's no stopping him. That also includes his very loud talking. "Bread is such a boring breakfast. Like, without anything to put on top of it. You think we can-" "Tommy shush, don't wake Phil up." Techno barely hit the back of his head to scold him, which made the teen scream unnecessarily loud. "The fuck was that for you- mmpf?!" The older groaned and pressed a hand on his mouth. "Tommy. Phil is trying to sleep. Shut it."

"I'm already awake..." The blonde pushed himself up just enough to look over at them properly before hissing in pain and laying back down. Techno immediately got up and walked over to his bed, grabbing a water bottle on the way. "How are you feeling?" Phil huffed and tried to turn his head enough to look at his friend, who sat down at the edge of the bed. "Didn't get better... slept for like 3 hours at most... everything hurts." "Here... I'll change it to a fresh cloth and then get you some food."

Phil just nodded and buried his face in the pillow when Techno pulled away the blanket so he can reach his back. But instead of feeling Techno lift the old cloth and check his back, he just heard him gasp and felt the blanket drop. "What? Something wrong?" "I... um..." Techno hesitated, not sure how to word what he's seeing, but thankfully that's what Tommy is for "Holy shit there's blood on your back!" Tommy stared at him with big eyes, his mouth open in shock. "Blood?" "Yeah! There's so much of it!" "Tommy quiet."

The teen pouted, about to complain at being treated like a child, but Techno turned away from him again and carefully grabbed the edge of the cloth. "I'm gonna try and take it off to see why there is blood... this will probably hurt." "Just get it over with." Techno nodded and carefully started to peel the fabric away from his skin. Phil groaned when he felt it pull at his skin, almost not hearing the soft apologies of his friend.

Techno didn't know what to think when he saw his back. The black spots from before had grown bigger and the area between his shoulder-blades was now a deep crimson, not counting the blood that was smeared over his skin. "I can't tell from where the blood is coming from... I'll have to clean it up first. Give me a second."While Techno moved to grab what he needed, Phil looked over at Tommy. "How bad is it? Techno apparently doesn't want to tell me."

The teen leaned over to get a better look at it. "Well the black spots are still there and its even more red than before. And blood..." Phil sighed and laid his head back down. "Great..." "You... you'll be okay, right?" Tommy inched closer to the bed and looked up at Phil with worry. The situation seemed to slowly fully register in his head, especially the fact that there was blood coming from his friend's back without any reason. He even reached up to grab Phil's hand when he didn't immediately answered his question. "Right?"

Despite the pain pulsing in his back, he smiled and squeezed the youngest's hand. "I'll be fine... Just need some time to heal." Tommy didn't believe him for a second, not with the way Phil winced when he moved his arm closer to Tommy. You don't feel this much pain when you're alright. But he didn't say anything as he placed his chin on the edge of the bed and continued to hold his hand.

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