2. Mix-Up

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Author's Note: This one won in a landslide, so I guess Scott will just have to bleed out until I'm done with this one. :) Thank you all for voting, that was fun! This should be updated twice a week. Hope you continue to enjoy!

2. Mix-Up

Mitch and Kirstin stared at each other for a moment after the door closed, both too shaken to make any decisions.

"What the hell did you do to that guy?" Ben asked, his voice stunned.

Before Mitch could explain, Kirstin bolted out the door, looking ashamed.

Ben groaned, palming his face, dejectedly. "You two..."

With that, he grabbed Mitch's arm, pulling him out the door as well.

They saw him on the other side of the ornate hotel lobby, wheeling his suitcase across the marble tile with his hand in his pocket.

He looked unphased. Calm, cool, and collected.

And so damn pretty.

They made it halfway to him when Kirstin froze.

"Oh no..."

They could just make out the words of the next exchange.

"Scott fucking Hoying?"

They watched Scott slow to a stop, still appearing relaxed, like a man who was leaving after a relaxing stay.

Two men nearly ran at him, blocking the exit, and smiling teasingly.

They were Jessa's friends. Technically, they had been Mitch and Kirstin's, too. Kevin and Matt were their names, and they were part of the reason that Mitch was in this predicament with the blond to begin with.

All a misunderstanding.

"Hello," Scott drawled, and Mitch was impressed with his bored tone.

"What the hell are you doing here? And lookin' all muscular? Last we saw you, you looked like one of those carnival balloons that clowns make into shapes... that hadn't been blown up yet," Kevin asked, grinning.


"And look. He grew a beard. Never thought I'd see the day. You looked like... eight years old when we graduated, other than the fact that you've always been a damn giant. A stretched out, infant string bean," Matt added, appearing thoughtful.

Why were they doing this? Hadn't they grown up at all?

"You almost look... successful in that suit. Nah. Can't be," Kevin said.

"Good to see that you guys haven't changed one bit," Scott said, his voice unwavering and confident.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"He's with us," Kirstin announced, surging forward and reaching for Scott's arm.

The blond finally let his mask drop for a split second, and Mitch saw panic in his pretty blue eyes.

"He's... with you..." Matt asked, raising an eyebrow.

"With me, technically," Mitch spoke before he could think, and nearly bit his own tongue off afterwards for saying such a thing. What if this guy rejected him now, in front of everyone?

Too late, Mitch thought. You're about to get humiliated. Better get ready.

"He's my date to the wedding," Mitch said, crossing his arms across his chest. "Problem?"

Kevin and Matt's faces were almost comically shocked as their eyes darted between the three of them.

"Does Jessa know you're dating this...?" Matt began.

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