9. A Shift

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Author's Note: Sorry I didn't update yesterday :( Also, sorry that you're about to be really mad at Mitch...

9. A Shift

He awoke on day four, feeling confused.

Then he remembered the source of the weight that laid against his body, and he smiled.

He felt the body stir, and nearly cursed out loud. He wanted just a few more minutes.

Scott sat up abruptly, wiping the sleep from his eyes. His hair was adorably disheveled again, and his shirt had shifted, his chest peeking out from the stretched-out armhole of his tank top.

Who knew a mess could be so gorgeous.

"I'm sorry," Scott mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck as he gazed down at him. "I shouldn't have... it was your turn..." He moved to roll out of the bed, but Mitch grabbed his wrist.

"I pulled you in here," Mitch said, softly. Then, it hit him. Was there a line that had been crossed, laying together?

He sat up, eyeing Scott. "Oh God, what do I owe you?"

Scott's eyes widened. "What?"

"You're apologizing, which could only mean that you're upcharging me for sleeping with you."

Scott smirked. "You don't get an upcharge for literally sleeping with me."

Mitch cocked an eyebrow. "So, wait..." He poked Scott in the chest, pointedly. "You're telling me we could have shared this big old bed this whole time?"

Scott's smirk turned into a full-blown smile now. "Yeah, technically. But you didn't want an escort, and I hated your guts, so..."

"Hated!" Mitch rejoiced with a smile, throwing his arms in the air in victory. "Past tense!"

The smile settled on Scott's face now, casual and handsome. "In this moment, past tense," Scott teased.

"So now that you don't hate me, we'll share the bed. Simple as that."

Scott's pretty smile faltered. "You sure?"

"Why not?" Mitch asked, shrugging as though it was a no-brainer. In his mind, however, he was dying.

"Because, as I said before... you didn't want an escort."

"I didn't know the escort would be you," Mitch argued with a raised eyebrow.

Scott ducked his head, attempting to hide a blush that had crept across his cheeks.

But then, Mitch realized something.

Scott wasn't supposed to say no.

"Wait," Mitch said, slowly. Scott's eyes flickered with a touch of anxiety. "Are you trying to get me to change my mind, because you aren't supposed to say no?"

Scott's blush deepened, and Mitch could tell that he was embarrassed now.

"Are you only talking to me because I told you to be nice to me? Is this your best behavior?" Mitch asked, trying to keep his cool.

"It's... not that simple," Scott replied after a moment, looking down at the duvet instead of into Mitch's eyes.

Mitch hated that he had no idea what was an act and what wasn't. He couldn't stomach the fact that he very well could have pulled Scott into a bed that he didn't want to be in, last night.

He felt nauseous.

"Let's make it simple. Do you want to share the bed with me? I demand an honest answer."

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