4. The Job

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4. The Job

"Thank you," Mitch said softly as he watched the blond take off his shoes when they returned to the room. "You were... kind of great."

And it was true. The lunch had gone amazingly well, with Nel and Mike both falling in love with Scott's vibrant and charming personality.

Blue eyes met his own. Mitch nearly cried out when he found that they had gone cold again. It had been such a treat, to see his eyes sparkle like the ocean behind them in the presence of everyone else. Now, it was like he had shut off the light behind them, allowing them to go dark again.

He really was a good actor.

"It's what you pay me the big bucks for."

The contents of the words were teasing, but the tone didn't indicate a joke at all.

A knock on the door interrupted Mitch's train of thought, and he turned to answer it, allowing Kirstin and Ben into the room.

"We're going to the pool. Esther and Avi are coming. They asked us to make sure you come too."

Esther and Avi were neighbors of Mitch and Jessa growing up. They went to a private school, so there was no risk of Scott hating them. They can't have ever done anything to him, after all.

Mitch turned towards Scott. "That okay?"

Scott laughed, dryly. "Mhm..." he said quietly, squeezing past them to get his change of clothes and retreating into the bathroom.

"That was a weird response..." Ben whispered. "Does he still hate you? Are you fighting?"

Mitch eyed the closed door. "I'm not supposed to ask him if things are okay, apparently."

Kirstin's eyes widened. "Beg your pardon?"

"He said I call the shots. He doesn't. But I'm not going to stop asking. I refuse."

Kirstin looked sad, suddenly, and Mitch fully understood why. It was heartbreaking.

Scott returned a minute later, clad in orange swim trunks and a blue shirt that made his eyes look even prettier, somehow. The same sunglasses hung from the collar, and he slid his flip flops on. He said nothing, but waited for someone to lead the way.

Once in the lobby, Mitch offered his hand, his palm facing upwards. Scott glanced at it for a moment, taking it in his hold.

Mitch interlocked their fingers. You know, to make it more believable.

Kirstin looked down at her phone as they settled on some lounge chairs. "They'll be here in fifteen."

Mitch took his shirt off, settling back on the lounge chair for some much-needed sunlight. He glanced up at Scott, finding that he was staring down at him with a thoughtful look on his face.


Scott shook his head. "Your tattoos."

"Yeah, you aren't the only one with them." He nodded over to Kirstin who had shrugged her coverup off, showing off her own arm tattoos.

"Edgy," Scott teased, unbuttoning his shirt just as Mitch put his sunglasses on.

He thanked the heavens for sunglasses and how they protected him from others knowing where he was looking.

Mitch had thought that he had a good understanding of how Scott would look without a shirt on, after having seen parts of his torso through that tank top last night and this morning.

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