14. Scott's Decision - Part 2

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Author's Note: Sorry it's a short one today :(

14. Scott's Decision – Part 2

Scott had thought that perhaps taking out his aggression by fucking Scott into the mattress would calm Joe over time, but a few hours later, Scott realized that it hadn't helped at all.

He was truly starting to wonder if he would survive this, as Joe plunged into him for what felt like the thousandth time.

He made as many pleasurable noises as possible, gripping onto Joe like he was his favorite thing.

In reality, he struggled not to be sick, eyeing the clock on the wall as the man grunted in his ear.

Joe was typically pretty good with aftercare, holding Scott and placing kisses to his bruised skin. But this time, it never seemed to come. He rolled him over onto his back after a particularly aggressive bout of using him, and his eyes held no softness.

"Why were you talking to them?"

Scott searched the man's face, wondering what answer might save him.

He took too long. That much was clear, and the back of Joe's hand struck the side of his face so hard, the sound seemed to echo off the walls.

Blood filled his mouth instantaneously, and he honestly hoped he would drown in it, his body was so done.

This finally seemed to wake the man hovering over him, and Joe's eyes flashed with something unreadable. Panic?

"I'm sorry, baby. Let me see."

He cradled Scott's face in his hand as Scott's eyes clenched shut, trying to stop the room from spinning.

"Open your pretty eyes, baby. Let me see."

Scott felt the light fingertips trace his ribs and collarbones as he was soothed, and his skin crawled beneath their touch.

He pushed at the man above him, nearly throwing the man to the floor, and he scrambled to the bathroom just in time for his bout of nausea to win.

His body shook on the tile floor, and he wished that either he could summon clothing to make him feel less pathetic, or that his body would simply give up and let him die here. At this point, he didn't care which happened first.

As though his prayers were answered, a blanket was draped over his shoulders, and a gentle kiss was placed on the top of his head.

And then, the arms wrapped around him from behind, rubbing his shoulders and placing more kisses to any exposed skin that Joe could find.

And Scott wanted to burn his skin off in the wake of those kisses.

He had never felt this disgusting in his life.

Scott wasn't sure if he had fallen asleep on that tile floor, or if he had passed out. But he awoke in Joe's bed, alone, and wrapped in his own clothing.

He eyed the clock. It was eleven PM.

He had been here in this nightmare of a mansion for nearly 24 hours.

Joe appeared before him with a small piece of paper in his hands, and Scott flinched, cursing himself for doing so.

Joe held out the piece of paper, and Scott realized what it was.

It was a check... for ten grand.

"If either of us speak of this, we'll both be in trouble," Joe whispered with tears in his eyes. "I know you want to leave. Please, take this and go. I understand if you block me again. I understand if I never get to see you again. Scott, I am so sorry. Please..."

The man fell apart then, and Scott wasn't sure what to do.

So he stood after a few minutes of watching Joe grovel, grabbed his suitcase, and left without looking back.

His body pulsated with his sore muscles and self-loathing as he shifted from foot to foot, fiddling with the handle of his suitcase. He realized only after knocking on Kirstin and Ben's door that Mitch might be there with them.

He prayed that he wasn't.

Or maybe he prayed that he was.

He was so confused, he wanted to scream.

She opened the door after what felt like an eternity, and her eyes widened upon seeing his pathetic state.

She pulled him in without a word, and settled him on the edge of the bed, shooting a pleading look to Ben as if to say, 'Help'.

"Sweetie, your eye..." she finally said, reaching up to cup Scott's cheek, her other hand coming up to cradle the back of his head. He knew he had a black eye. That much was clear by the feeling of throbbing along his eye socket, but her pained look made him realize that it was worse than he had assumed.

He felt her hand rub what was clearly a ginormous bump on the back of his skull, and the concern in her eyes grew.

"Sorry... I didn't know... where else..." Scott muttered, all hope of sounding calm going out the window.

"Don't be stupid," Kirstin snapped, but Scott could hear the heartache in her tone.

"I need to get you some ice. Ben, check to see if he has a concussion... however you're supposed to do that..." Kirstin muttered, and booked it out the door with an ice bucket in hand.

"Lemme see, Scott," Ben whispered, gently placing his fingers beneath Scott's chin to raise his gaze. He held his phone in front of his eyes, moving the flash back and forth. Then, he brought up his hand to rub the back of Scott's head to see the bump for himself. "I think you have a concussion."

Scott shut his eyes, swallowing hard as nausea took over again. "Me, too."

Ben sat in front of him, their knees touching. He searched Scott's bruised face before allowing his gaze to move down to his bruised throat. "Do I wanna know what damage we can't see?"

"Just say it," Scott muttered, staring at the floor. He couldn't look at Ben's pitying eyes anymore. He would start crying.

"Say what, Scott?" Ben asked, his tone gentle.

"Tell me how stupid I am."

"You know who's stupid?" Ben asked. He placed his hands on Scott's knees, gently. "The guy who did this to you. And Colt. Colt's a fucking moron. And you know who else? Mitch."

Scott's eyes snapped upwards, suddenly angry. "Mitch didn't do anything."

Ben smirked, giving the blond's knees a little squeeze in reassurance. "Just wanted to see if I could ignite a little fire in ya."

Scott almost returned the small smile, but the door opened, and he was face-to-face with someone that he wasn't quite ready to see.

Mitch looked white as a ghost as his eyes traveled over his facial features. And Scott's heart broke as he watched Mitch's eyes fill with tears.

Scott most certainly messed up, this time. 

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