16. Going Back In

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16. Going Back In

Kirstin should take up cosmetology professionally, as far as Mitch was concerned. He glanced over at Scott as they walked to brunch. His face was completely smooth, with no indication that there was any make-up on his skin at all. His neck was perfectly blended to cover up every black and blue mark.

She had touched up his collar and the very top of his chest, which also housed some painful-looking bruises where they peeked out from the top of his shirt.

As they entered the lobby, Scott grabbed his hand. He held it gently, with a bit more trepidation than he had previously, but Mitch's heart soared, all the same.

He eyed Jessa near the exit. She turned and waved happily, tugging on Colt's hand. The man turned, his face brightening upon seeing that Mitch wasn't alone.

Scott squeezed his hand just a bit tighter.

And he squeezed it back, hoping that Scott would read the action as 'I'm right here.'

"Glad you guys could join us!" Colt said, his voice friendly and confident. He glanced at Scott with remorse in his eyes, however, but Jessa hadn't noticed.

As they entered the restaurant, they were flooded with family members with whom they hadn't yet had to make small talk. It was the first full party for everybody attending the wedding, and Mitch realized that he probably should have warned Scott of this beforehand.

He had been a bit preoccupied.

But he watched with what he was sure was a goofy smile as Scott engaged with the older members of the family, one by one, a true picture of charm and etiquette.

Mitch felt lucky.

Even if this was all a lie.

Mitch watched as Kevin, Matt, and Colt spoke in hushed tones at one point, their eyes darting to Scott before averting their gaze when they realized that Mitch had caught them.

He knew that Matt was filling them in on what he had seen in the hotel room this morning.

Scott placed his arm around Mitch in that moment, pulling his thoughts away from the troublesome group on the other end of the restaurant, and making his head swim with the delightful scent of his cologne.

He was smitten with this man, and that realization made him feel nothing but guilt.

After all, the man in the bar had been smitten, too.

He leaned into Scott's touch, trying not to think about what exactly had happened to him for the twenty-hour hours that he wasn't safe with Mitch.

Mitch began to make his way around the party after a little while, not wanting to seem like a puppy dog who couldn't stay away from his partner, but as he did last time, he constantly found himself looking for the blond across the room as the latter mingled with more members of Mitch's family.

He looked up from his conversation with his Aunt Thea to see that Scott had his head bowed, and Colt was saying something in his ear.

He couldn't see Scott's facial expression from here. All he could see was the submissive nature in which his head was positioned.

He began to panic, but Scott's head straightened up, and Mitch found that he had a soft smile on his face. The blond nodded at something that Colt had said, and reached his hand out to shake Colt's outstretched palm. Colt reached out his other hand to squeeze the back of Scott's neck, but stopped short, and Mitch saw his mouth form words of apology.

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