24. The Final Night

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Author's Note: Just to clarify, this story doesn't end in Hawaii... although I'm running out of pre-written chapters so I'm starting to panic 😅

24. The Final Night

Scott's jab into Mitch's ribs quickly turned into a cruel tickle fight that Scott was easily winning.

Mitch thought he might throw up as Scott's hands continued their quest of making him beg for mercy.

They were panting and rolling across the mattress, becoming sweaty as they fought for dominance.

If only it had been due to another activity, instead of tickling, Mitch thought.

"Pause," Scott announced, hovering over Mitch's bright red frame as he took his sweatshirt off, leaving him in his tank top beneath it.

Mitch would certainly not pause. No mercy.

So he reached up and placed his fingers in Scott's armpits, right as the blond's shirt was over his head.

"No!" Scott yelped, throwing the sweatshirt across the floor and resuming his attack on Mitch's flesh.

Mitch couldn't breathe, he was laughing so hard.

Scott reached downward in an attempt to get to the bottom of Mitch's feet, but Mitch took this as his cue to get the upper hand. He swung Scott around so quickly, the blond gasped for breath, looking at him in shock as Mitch hovered over him now, straddling him.

"Game on, Hoying," Mitch nearly growled, his fingertips disappearing beneath Scott's shirt.

But as they grazed his ribcage, Scott leaned upwards, capturing Mitch's lips in a kiss.

Before Scott could pull away, Mitch removed one hand from beneath his shirt to rest behind his head, keeping it still as the kiss deepened.

And when Scott moaned into his mouth as Mitch's right hand brushed his nipple, Mitch's entire body tingled.

So naturally, he did that again, and rejoiced when he received the same response.

And when he felt Scott becoming hard against his groin, he bit back a moan of his own.

This is much too fast. You should slow down.

Blue eyes fluttered open as their lips parted for a moment, and they sparkled with lust.

Fuck slow. Slow is stupid.

And in the next moment, Mitch was on his back again, staring up at those blue eyes and feeling his own body react to Scott's wandering hands as Scott leaned forward to latch his lips onto Mitch's neck.

His kisses were gentle, Mitch observed with a content smile.

Scott sat up again, and Mitch nearly protested with a whine, until he realized that the taller man was taking his shirt off.

Mitch found that he was more than okay with that, especially when Scott's hands disappeared beneath his shirt and stripped him of his, as well.

"Too fast?" Scott asked into Mitch's ear as their hands continued to leave goosebumps on each other's skin.

"Fuck no," Mitch moaned against his lips.

"Good," Scott growled, and his hand disappeared beneath Mitch's waistband.

Mitch clamored to do the same. His mind flickered to last time they had been in a similar situation. Scott had taken care of him, and shit had hit the fan before he could return the favor.

He would be damned if he didn't even it out, this time.

And when his hand found Scott's length, he couldn't fight his own moan anymore.

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