8. Opening Up

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8. Opening Up

"Mom and Dad, straight ahead," Mitch whispered, and Scott grabbed his hand as they crossed the lobby.

He had the fastest fake-relationship reflexes that Mitch had ever seen.

Not that he had seen much.

"Hello, handsome boys!" Nel announced, wrapping each of them in a hug. "Where are you sweethearts going off to?"

"Just going to have dinner over at the marina," Mitch said with a smile.

"Oh, I hear that's lovely."

"Get the oysters," Mike chimed in.

Nel blushed. "Michael."

His cheeks reddened, matching Mitch's own blushing face now as he realized what his mother meant. "No, no! I've heard they're to die for! Not for... not for the aphrodisiac... God, Nel."

The only one who wasn't blushing in the group was now Scott, who looked cool as a cucumber. "We'll report back and let you know if they're as good as everyone says."

"Have fun, boys."

"I am so fucking sorry," Mitch muttered. "Now you see where I get the whole... put-my-foot-in-my-mouth thing."

Scott smirked. "No big deal."

Their table tonight overlooked some of the most extravagant yachts Mitch had ever seen.

"Imagine being on something like that," Mitch thought aloud, as he settled into the chair that Scott pulled out for him. He muttered a small 'thank you'.

Scott settled into the chair across from him, following his gaze to a sailboat. "That one's a bit small for where they probably take it. You'd get seasick real quick on that one. If you go out on something that size, you'll have better luck on a Catamaran." He pointed at a boat of roughly the same size, but much wider.

Mitch cocked an eyebrow. "Okay... how do you know something like that?"

Scott cleared his throat, suddenly appearing embarrassed. "I don't know. Just a guess."

The waiter poured their wine with a smile, interrupting Mitch's small interrogation.

But then it clicked.

"Someone paid you? To spend time with them on one?"

Scott shook his head, and Mitch was filled with relief.

"It was much bigger than that."

Mitch watched in horror as Scott's face broke into a smile. "It wasn't in a place like this, though. It was in the Caribbean."

"You poor thing," Mitch replied with a roll of his eyes.

"Yeah, poor me. That guy was a kinky son of a..." His eyes widened. "Sorry."

Mitch ignored the pang in his chest. "Don't... don't be sorry. I asked a question. You answered. I... I don't want you to feel like anything is off-limits."

His hand shook as he reached for his wine glass, afraid of what would come from Scott's lips next.

But the blond smiled. "There's plenty that should be off-limits in a situation such as ours, Mitch."

"I want you to be comfortable."

"I can be comfortable without telling you what a whore I am."

Mitch watched as Scott swirled his wine in his glass, unphased once again by the casual nature in which he threw the word around.

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