Chapter 15

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I was so desperate. Since the last time I saw Psalmist, I've been miserable as fuck. It's my own fault though. I never should have done her that way. I thought by seeing me, she would just forget what we went through and try to work things out.

When she called and wanted to see me, I was pretty damn excited about that. Maybe she missed me as much as I missed her. I hope she did, and I hope she will forgive me and give me another chance.

I was looking around the kitchen and getting my bar stacked for the night. I noticed talking coming from the front.

"I'm looking for Damien," I heard Psalmist speak.

"You sure about that? Someone as fine as you need me more than you need him. I can break you off something serious."

That was Xclusive, one of my male dancers, speaking. He pissed me off. "Xclusive, if you wanna keep your job, I suggest you get your ass back to work," I said to him.

"Damn, Boss, it's like that? What happened to share the wealth?" True enough, sometimes I pass my girls to my workers, but this wasn't one of those times.

"Ain't no sharing this one. She's completely off-limits."

He turned to walk away. I guess he was upset, but I don't give a fuck. Psalmist was off-limits. If I can get her completely away from Tyson, that'll be good too.

"Hey, Psalmist," I said to her.

"Hey, Damien," she smiled. Looks like we're off to a good start.

"Come on, let's go to my office," I spoke to her. I guess she was waiting for me, but hell I was waiting for her. "Walk in front of me. These niggas some hounds."

I had my place security tight. This building had hallways that looked like dead ends. There was a hidden fingerprint scanner on the wall.

"Um, Damien. Where is the door?" Psalmist asked. I chuckled to myself.

I stood close behind her. I know she felt my dick because I was hard a fuck. I placed my hand on the scanner and the wall opened to an elevator.

We stepped inside, and I pressed number 3. Once the elevator stopped, we stepped inside my office. I took a seat behind my desk and Psalmist sat in the chair in front of me.

"So, Psalmist, what brings you by?" I asked her.

"I received a call from your brother today. He said you weren't doing so good, but looks to me like you're doing just fine."

"Trust me; looks can be deceiving."

"So how have you been?" She asked me.

"Truthfully, I've been miserable. In front of my employees, I put up this facade that I'm okay and I'm stronger, but behind closed doors, I break."

"You know it didn't have to be like this," she said. "You made this decision."

"Yeah, I know. It was a stupid decision. I just didn't want anything to happen to you."

"Be for real, Damien. You knew Tyson wouldn't have let anything happen to me."

"I didn't think he would let anything happen to Kayleigh, but you see how that turned out."

"That's because he knew you two were fucking. Why would he protect her cheating ass?" She paused for a minute. "How long had you been sleeping with Kayleigh?"

"Me and Kay been messing around for almost three years. She honestly didn't like Tyson. I put her on him so I could watch him. I've known him for a while now, and I felt like that nigga was tryna come up. I needed eyes on him."

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