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I woke up and seen i was in a hospital bed. I was feeling alot better and there was no one in my room. Jeremy wasn't even there. I wonder if he took me or even cared. I called out and pushed the button but nothing happened no one came. I took the needles out of my arm and walked out of my room. I went down the hall and seen a nurse.

"Um ma'am how come no one came to me when I called for someone." She never answered. She turned arum and look me in the face. I said hello. Nothing some called her. She walk right through me. I started freaking out I ran to my room and I was still laying there on the bed. "What the fuck is going on?!" "Dakota you shouldn't be talking like that" I knew that voice. That was the voice I missed so much. I turned around and seen him standing there smiling. "D-daddy?"

"Yes it's me" "aren't you dead?" "Yes" "A-am I dead?" "No your I. Limbo you are on the verge of it. Why'd you do it?" "Do what?" "Try to kill yourself Dakota." "I wanted to be with you, Jeremy was being a dick. Eric might have gotten hurt" "Dakota I know how you feel about Jeremy and I know he feels the same." "Why is everyone saying that" "because it's true sweetie" "okay fine he likes me." "Now what's this about Eric?" "He joined the army and he is at war he called me earlier at school the. Before he ended the call I heard gunshots screams and his name being called then the line went dead" "that's when you had the panic attack" "yeah. It's just that I already lost Jeremy as a friend. I lost you. And if I loose Eric ill have no man in my life." "You'll always have me. But I have to go Dakota. Jeremy will take care of you but you need to wake up. Eric didn't call you earlier sweetie. He called you two weeks ago." "Wait what's today." "The almost the 21st." "But that's..." "Jeremy's birthday I know. And I also know that his birthday wish is for you to wake up" "how do you know that.?" "Like I said you were asleep for two weeks in both worlds. You were to weak to wake up in the limbo stage till now. You have to get back in that be ill help hook you back up" "but dad" "do it for Jeremy and Eric and mom and jan. do it for me I want to see you alive not dead" "fine I love you" I kissed my dad on the cheek and he did the same. He hooked me up and said I love you. And I fell back asleep.

I. Love. A. Jerk. ( Jeremy Shada Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now