First day of Kamome Academy

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*Author* Now there will be a second book once this book is finished. Just look/Search for:In another life. Thanks for reading this! But the next book will not come out for a long time so hopefully the next book will be worth the wait.

‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾Spook 1☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
August 14, 1968

Hello there! My name is y/n Hiroshima and I'm currently a second year in junior high. I'm a [your zodiac sign] and I'm going to be in class C-1 if I'm right. I am a new transfer student at Kamome Academy. I want to make some friends there. Hopefully I will. But my mom said who wouldn't want to be friends with me. She said that I am a really good friend! I also want to make a good impression when I get there. Guess we'll have to find out once I get there.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

It was the day that I got up to get ready for my first day of my new school. Kamome Academy. My alarm went off. Ringing as loud as it could. I turned it off. And groaned of how tired I was. Ugh. Well I guess it's time too wake up now that my noisy alarm woke me up. I said in my mind. I got up and looked in the mirror. God, I looked like a zombie with really messy h/c hair. I brushed my hair and put on my new uniform. I'm normally not the girl to like dresses but this black uniform dress was cute. I put on my shoes and styled my bangs. I packed my bag with my school things. I let my mom know that I was heading to school. She wished me a good day and said she loved me.

It was kinda cold for the month of August. I was really nervous. Some neighborhood kids that were about 10 years old ran passed me. Playing with each other. Pretending that they were flying. With their arms out like an airplane. They were two girls and one boy. I'm guessing that they were friends. And if not then siblings maybe? I then see and boy about my age. Walking slowly to me. He was right beside me. I was so nervous. I didn't want to talk to anybody really. My eyes looked to see what the boy looked like without turning my head towards him. He was wearing the Kamome uniform, I think he had amber eyes and didn't look very happy.

His face expression was like he didn't want to go to school. But then again, who is not like that. But the face expression he was wearing was a little different. It was almost like miserable and dull. I looked back to starring at the concrete. Then I felt that the boy looked at me. Then turned away. We did not talk or anything like that.

The boy walked faster to get away from me and the awkward situation. I reached the school and took a deep breath. Here we go. I said in my head. I walked into the school grounds. And felt really nervous. Oh god Oh god oh god! I panicked in my head. I walked up the stairs to my homeroom. C-1. I opened the door and I saw a that the room was full of students. I was really overwhelmed. "Ah... Y/n. Students. I have an announcement, There is a new transfer student here." The homeroom teacher motioned his head to come to the front of the class. And introduce myself. I've done this millions of times. Because I've moved schools dozens of times. But every time I get nervous. I should be used to this by now.

"Hi. My name is Y/n Hiroshima. I am happy to be in this homeroom..... And I hope to make great friends." I gave the students a quick summary of who I am. But the thing that was really awkward to me was when I was done speaking. The whole classroom stayed silent. Not saying anything. Not even a hello. Tough crowd huh. "It is nice to meet you y/n. My name is Mr. Tsuchigamori. I will be your homeroom teacher for the rest of the year." I nodded politely. "You can sit behind Yugi Amane. " Mr. Tsuchigamori pointed to a boy on the very left side of the classroom. I recognised that boy. Almost immediately. The boy that was next to me while I was walking to school. That was the boy. So I guess his name is Yugi Amane. If I heard that right? He was just starring into space. looking at the window that was next to him. He had a hand placed on his cheek. I nodded to my homeroom teacher.

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