Accepted The Offer

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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Spook 3☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
August 17,1968
Amane's POV

It was almost time for the weekends. And I was really happy. To just get out of school. Even if it was just for two very short days. The weekends always go by fast. I wonder why though? But, over the days. I have been thinking that maybe I should accept the offer that y/n asked me four days ago.

She has been very popular. I told her that she will be treated like royalty. But she is not really the kind to get her head into the "royalty" stuff. But she does have no real friends. She has been spacing out from me and Tsukasa though. So I thought that I maybe should be her friend. She has gotten to me. Which I hate, but can't really blame her.

It was lunch time and all the kids were in the field. Playing with each other. Tsukasa was sick today so he got to stay home. I looked for y/n and she was sitting on a wooden swing that was attached to a big willow tree. She was looking down at her feet. Nobody was with here and nobody was near her that was playing with her. I walked up to y/n and randomly said, "Yes. I will be your friend." Y/n lifted up her face. And my face was going red at that point.

"Wait really? You accept my offer?" Y/n asked. "Yea. I have been doing some thinking... And you are not the girl to get consumed into the "royalty". Which I saw." I explained. "Oh. Yea. Look, Im really glad that you are my friend now. I mean I like Tsukasa. I really do. But the people here are fake. They only wanna friend on what they see on the outside. Not what they see on the inside.... So I'm really glad. I really am." Y/n said smiling sweetly. God. Why does she have to be so cute?! I was even more red. "Ummm. Amane. Your face is red. Are you okay?" Y/n asked.

"Oh- uhmm. Yea. Yea. Yea." I said while rubbing my face with my hands. Trying to get the reddness off my face. "So... What is your favorite color?" I asked.....

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