Found out

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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Spook 10☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
July 21,1969
12:45 pm


I looked at my watch to see what time it was. '12:45 pm'. I was walking around the middle school building just to make sure that I didn't miss anything or dropped anything special while I was on my search for Amane. When I realized that I didn't check the girls bathrooms to see if Amane was in there. I know, I know. Why would Amane even be in the girls bathrooms? But just to see... I look down stairs first. There were three girl bathrooms down stairs. No sign of Amane of course. Now since this middle school has three floors, I needed to check the second floor. The second floor had three girl bathrooms as well. No sign of Amane of course. My mind felt like it was pointless to even check the third floor in the three girl bathrooms. But I just wanted to make extra sure. I knew I was being paranoid though. I climbed the stairs to get to the third floor of the middle school. I checked one of the girls bathroom. No Amane. I checked the Second girls bathroom. No Amane. Now two down... One more girls bathroom left to go. I stepped inside the bathroom and I couldn't see a thing. The lights were turned off so I turned them on...... I could NOT believe my eyes to what I saw next.

My eyes were wide open. I, just couldn't believe what I saw. My eyes were hurting. My eyes were tearing up. I felt three tears rolling down my cheeks. I drastically dropped my school bag and my arms were empty. My arms were just hanging there. The sight that I was seeing was just depressing.... I couldn't handle it... It was all too much...

A/n: oooooo this is very dramatic! I'm very excited to to be writing the last and final Chapter! It's gonna be huge.

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