Upcoming Moon Landing

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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Spook 6☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
May 18-20,1969
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Y/n's POV
I believe it's 7:15 pm. And the sun is setting. It is the weekends, Saturday and I was just laying in my bedroom writing in my journal on my loft bed. The news was broadcasting on my TV in my room. The TV was located just right on the other side of my loft bed. Right across from it. And it was the same height as my loft bed so that I could watch TV without looking down.

"Right now the NASA astronauts are getting ready for this upcoming moon landing. No one thought that the dream would be real, but it came true. The estimated date for the first ever Moon landing also known as Apollo 11, is probably July 20th, 1969...." The news reporter said. I gasped. Woah... An upcoming moon landing? That's crazy! Omg I can't believe this is happening! This is so exciting...

I said in my head. I love the moon and the starts like they are my children. I love them so much. Hopefully Yugi and Tsukasa know. I said in my mind. "Y/n!" My dad called. "Yea?" I asked my Dad. My Dad barged open with his foot. It was very loud. "The moon landing! Did you hear about it??!" My dad panicked. "Uh- yes. It was just on the news." I explained. "Oh okay cool." My dad said. He pushed his square glasses up more. Then closed my door.

Uhhhh, okay then. I said in my head. Dad is always such in a panick. I shaked my head.

May 20th, 1969. It was time for that 10 minute break after our homeroom class. Everyone was murmuring and talking about the first ever Moon landing. I bet the Moon landing is gonna be a popular topic for a couple of days. "Yugi, did you hear on the news that the first ever moon landing is in about 2 months? Oh my gosh I can't wait!" I Squealed. Yugi laughed softly. "Yea..I can't wait too... It's gonna be so exciting, don't you think?" Amane asked me while putting some of his school supplies away. "Yea, it really is gonna be Exciting." I agreed.

"Does Tsukasa know?" I asked Amane. His face has gotten sad when I brought up his twin brother. "Yea. He knows." Amane said putting on a fake smile. I didn't want to bother him saying that he was putting on a fake smile. But I knew what was up with him and Tsukasa. I went into the 4pm book stacks remember? I just nodded at yugi's statement and smiled.

Me and Amane then started starring at each other for a few seconds. We were smiling at each other, sweetly. A few seconds later, we both realized that we were looking into each other's eyes. We were both turning red and turned away. But I was smiling a little bit. Yugi's amber eyes were glimmering in the sunlight. That made my heart skip beats.

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