The 4pm Bookstacks

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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Spook 5☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
October 22, 1968
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧

Y/n's POV

It is October 22. And I think that I fell head over heels for Amane. Ugh. Whyyy? I had some homework that I had to do at school. It is 5:30 pm. Everyone has gone home. But I texted My mom know and I let Amane and Tsukasa know too.

I was in the study hall. I knew that I had to do today's homework AND yesterdays homework. Since I didn't finish last night. Alright. Im Done with that. Now for yesterdays homework. I said in my head. I was doing some history homework when I got to a point when I realized that I needed a history book from the library.

I organized all of my homework things and left them in the study hall. I went into the library and looked around to see the history book that I was looking for. I finally got the book that I was looking for. A purple and black butterfly flew by me. I followed the butterfly and the butterfly lead me to this door that I had no idea it was there. I am a bookworm and I have gon into the library millions of times in this past 2 or 3 months that I've been here.

I dropped the history book that I was holding in my arms. Terrified, I slowly open the door and there was a library, but way larger than the original library. I was very surprised to see that another library was hidden in the school. I slowly put my hand one one of the library shelves.

Then I began to notice that one of the books had a student name on it. I could tell it was a girls name. "Fumiko noru..." I said out loud. It was a white book with the name in gold. I touched the white book then a few butterflies were flying to my right. I felt like following the black and purple butterflies. The butterflies lead me to another white book. That said my name. What do these white books mean? And why do they have the students names? There are also some black books too. Very eeri if you ask me. The white book that had my name was about eye level and easy for me to reach. So I grabbed the white book that had my name on it. And took it to a circle table.

I opened the book... And it told me all of my personal things that I did in my life. It told me that I moved schools a lot. That I have a crush on Yugi Amane. Then, I got to a red page. "Future" that's what the red page said. Future? Wait... Can this be, past, present, future books? No. I'm going crazy. But can it really be? A voice said in my head. I flipped over to another page. MY FIRST DATE?! WHAT THE CRAP!? wait, with.... AMANE!? WHAT IN THE WORLD!? I said in my mind loudly. "Wait. The upcoming moon landing?" Woah. "Finds out something. That is very... Heartbreaking." I said aloud. "What is something that I will find out that will be heartbreaking?" I looked around the library for a few more minutes. Then something caught my eye. It was Amane's book. Yugi Amane. That's what the golden name said on the spine of the book. I slowly opened Amane's book.

"Grew up to be a teacher at Kamome Academy." September 28,1968.Tsukasa just beated me up. he was angry and stubborn that I had a crush on y/n. I refused to say anything. But Tsukasa pushed me to say something. I said I didn't. I didn't have a crush on y/n. Then I flipped over to the next page. September 29,1968. I covered my bruises with some bandages at home. It is really late at night. Maybe it was 2 in the morning. I really couldn't sleep tonight. So I was just reading my favorite book. Then I passed out. With my book in my arms. Then... I had a dream that involved y/n.

"Amane~" y/n said to me. "Y-Y/n. Hey." She had a soft smile while blushing. I felt like something was off though. Something was wrong. The world started to shake. Y/n had a very worried face. And I was worried for her. "A-amane..." "Y/n."  Meteorites shoot down from the black sky. Some mini asteroids too. Y/n gets crushed by an asteroid. I scream, 'NOOOOOOOOO' a team of people lift up the asteroid somehow. Then leave. I hold y/n in my arms as she passes away. I sobb and cry close to y/n's forehead. My forehead touches her forehead. I cry and cry and cry. Desperately wanting for her life to come back. But deep down inside. That was impossible.

I put my hand on my mouth pressing my eyes not to cry. Then I flip over to the next page. The page that said future in Japanese. And the page is red. I really wonder what was going to happen in Amane's future. And I couldn't help myself, but look into the future. I bet that the future is going to say that he is going to have his first date with me. "First date with y/n." yep, I was right. "Gets more abused by his twin brother." wait, what? How? Why? Why does Amane get more and more abused by the day by his twin brother. His brother Shouldn't do that. Doesn't Tsukasa love Amane?

The pages then soak in blood. W-what is happening? I ask myself. I drop the book. Not knowing what to do. I feel some fluttering of butterflies behind me. I look around to see myself but in a horrific way. The butterflies connected and made me. But giant and grey. I also noticed that there was some type of number in Japanese or something like that. On my terrifying, grey, giant face. I almost screamed, when someone spider like man. Ripped off the head of the giant me. " what do you think you're doing?! Oh great. Look what you done to my books." The spider man said. "Wait, Mr. Tsuchigomori?" I asked. "Yes?" Mr. Tsuchigomori replied. " W-why is there spider legs poking out of your b-back?" I said terrified. "Oh. Yes. There's something important that I need to tell you. Now, you can't go and tell all of your friends this alright?" Mr. Tsuchigomori said. I agreed. But I was really scared of what he was gonna say that is important.

Mr. Tsuchigomori lead me to an office of his own and sat down. The things really shocked me of what he said to me. "Do you know that there are ghosts lurking around this school. There are supposed to be 7 mysteries, but right now there are 6. We just need one more person to fill in that number 7th spot. I am mystery number 5. The 4 PM bookstacks. I have been a supernatural for a long time. This place that you just found is sorta like my boundary." Mr. Tsuchigomori explained. "A boundary?" I asked. "Yes, a boundary. It's like a place between life and death. I bet this is pretty shocking to hear huh." Mr. Tsuchigomori stated. " yeah, it kind of is." I replied.

Mr. Tsuchigomori sighed, "The books that you were just looking at, you did notice that there were white and black books, right?" Mr. Tsuchigomori said. "Yea, why?" I asked. " the white book are records for the living, and the black books are records for the dead." Mr. Tsuchigomori explains. " and the red books are for the future?" I questioned. "Yup, you got that right. But just a side note, you weren't supposed to turn into the future side. Nobody is really supposed to turn to that page except for me of course." He said. "O-oh... I'm sorry,I didn't know." I apologized. "Nah, it's alright. Most people your age want to find out what is in their future. So I can't really blame you for what you did." Mr. Tsuchigomori said kindly. I nodded to say that I replied to his Statment. "Anyways, what are you even really doing here?" Mr. Tsuchigomori asked.

"Oh- I, ummm. I was getting a history book from the normal library. But then I got carried away with the butterflies and all that stuff." I said giving a short summary of what I was doing. "Then the butterflies lead me here and... I'm in this, beautiful place." I explained. "But...are the things in the future record real? And is there any way to change the events in the future?" I asked Mr. Tsuchigomori. "Yes the future records are real, but No. It's basically impossible, no one has changed their future...yet." Mr. Tsuchigomori said. "O-oh..." I speaked. "Why do you ask?" Mr. Tsuchigomori questions. "I was just wondering." I replied. " really should be getting back to wherever you came from. Or maybe it's best if you went home. The sun is setting, you don't want your mom or dad to worry." Mr. Tsuchigomori stated."Yea okay." I said softly. "Well. It was nice to see you after hours but... You can't really do this every day. It's not normal to see an apparition with a human. Alright?" Mr. Tsuchigomori explains. "Yes. I understand. See you on Monday Mr. Tsuchigomori!" I exclaimed while waving to him and running back to the study hall. "Goodbye kiddo." Mr. Tsuchigomori replied.

I got back to the study hall. Packed up my things. And that history book that I dropped, I got to borrow it. So I stuffed that in my bag. And left for home.

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