✩☽First Date☾✩

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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Spook 7☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
July 16,1969
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───


Everyone was now off of school for summer break.
I had something on my mind recently... I have such a big crush on y/n that- that I want to ask her out-on a date. But I can't do that! That's such a big leap, and I'm not the kind of guy to take big leaps! But... I want to ask her so badly. But she would obviously reject me. I mean... Look at me. Imma mess. I'll mess up if I go on a date with y/n.

But if I do plan on asking her out, then I have the perfect spot and thing to do. I was thinking, since we are so alike. And me and y/n both really love the stars and the moon. I was thinking that we could go stargazing...Just the two of us...
I was just sitting in my room. thinking about if I should ask y/n out on a date. I thought about it and I got off of my bed and went to my circle table in my bedroom. I slowly picked up my telephone. My heart was beating faster than ever before. Even my hands were literally shaking. I put the telephone next to my right ear. I slowly was trying to press y/n's phone number when I, "NOPE! CAN'T DO IT!" I said out loud.

"Ugh!" I picked up the telephone again and dialed y/n's number. My heart was beating so fast. Words can't describe how fast my heat was beating. Y/n picked up the phone. "Hello?" She said softly. "H-h-hey.. U-ummm. I wanted to s-speak to you." I said Studdering badly. "Sure! What's up with the Studdering though? Are you okay Amane?" Y/n asked me. "Yea. Everything is okay." I confirmed. "Okay? Well what do u wanna speak about?" Y/n asked. Dammit! I was really hoping she would forget about that.

"U-u-uhhhhh......" I studdered. Okay, you got this. You got this. You got this. You can do it. "Okay... I.... Was wondering..... If...you could go..... On a..... A-a-a... Date. With. Me." I said surprised by myself. I swear I was gonna cry because I was so nervous. "Sure! I would absolutely love to go on a date with you! But do you have an idea where the date is gonna be set up?" Y/n asked. I was so surprised that she actually said YES! oh my gosh I am so happy! "Oh... I have something in mind."


Today is July 16th and Amane just asked me out! On. A. Date! I am so happy! Amane said that me and him are going to go on top of a hill at 6 pm and go stargazing. Our favorite thing to do. Yugi said that he wouldn't mind taking his own telescope. Which is fine with me. It is 3:46 pm right now. "Y/n! Dinner is ready!" My dad yelled. "Okay! I'll be down in a sec!" I said. I put my hand over my heart and smiled. I went down the stairs and came to the dinner table.

The food was delicious udon. I sat down and grabbed some chopsticks. "Soo... Um, Amane called today." I started to say. "Oh! That boy that you were talking about a lot a long time ago?" My mom asked. "Uh...yes. Amane...he asked me i-if I could go on a date...with him, and I said yes. I would go. B-but I remembered that I do need your guy's permission too. Soo...is that... Okay?" I looked at both of my parents. "Well. you are still a little kid." My dad stated. "Dad. Im 14 now. Remember?" "Oh right. Well I think it's okay. Right. Honey?" My dad turned to look at my mom. "Uh, yea I guess. Just- be careful. The weirdos are gonna be out. So stay extra cautious. Okay?" My mom said.

"Okay..." I replied. After I was done finishing my Udon, I went up to my room and got a manga off of my bookshelf. 'The 1980s new way'. It's about these girls that are in the future. 1980.and everything things is new. The technology, the stores, everything. Anyways, I was reading the manga for almost two hours. I looked at my clock. '5:10'. 5:10!? Oh shit! I gotta get ready for the date! It's gonna take me an hour to get ready. And 10 minutes has already passed. I got up as soon as I saw the time, and got ready. I got into this...

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