♡In Love♡

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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Spook 4☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
September 10-13, 1968

Y/n's POV

It was about a month since I met Amane. Four weeks to be exact. It's September 10th now. I have been feeling these feelings with Amane. Something like.... Something that I can't explain really. Last night. I was randomly thinking about Amane. But why? I also remembered that three days ago, my heart was beating faster. I had a feeling last night. That...I might have liked him for the last three days. "No....no no no no no. I can't like Amane. He's just a friend. He's just a friend." A voice said in my head. I was puzzled and confused. why.

Why was I denying my feelings for Yugi Amane? I went to bed. Thinking if I should confront myself. Then I closed my eyes to go to bed. Now it's September 10th and I'm in my homeroom class. The bell stopped me from my daydreaming. I was walking with Amane. Shoulder to shoulder. My heart was beating fast.

Why. Why am I feeling this way. I honestly don't want to feel this way. Ugh. Dammit. I'm not attracted to love that often, if that makes any sense. Why? Because some boy, when I was young, maybe around 9 years old. Broke my heart.

It was around valentines Day. I have gotten a flower for my crush. Roji. He was standing in the field with his friends. Laughing cutely. My stoopid, naive self walked up to him. Roji. And handed him a rose and a box of chocolate. "Roji....Will you be my...v-valentine??" I studderd in front of him. His friends snickers and laughs at me. "Soooo... You have a crush on Roji. Awwww. A little bird told me that the WHOLE SCHOOL KNOWS." One of his friends say. I was heartbroken. What a jerk. I almost cried in front of them. "Hinoshu. Stop. Look. I already have a girlfriend. You didn't know that? Well..... I dont like you back. Sorry, but, not sorry." Roji said straight forward. "Annnddd.my girlfriend already asked me to be her valentines. And of course I said yes." Roji said. They all walked away. My head was down looking at the ground. One boy purposely bumped his shoulder hardly on my shoulder. The box of chocolates and rose fell to the ground. I let go of the two things. Then dropped down on my knees, burried my head into my hands and cried.

So, I promised myself to not fall in love again. And I kept that promise to myself for four years. But now, I have maybe fallen in love, with Amane. It is now September 13th. And I think that I officially have a crush on Yugi Amane.

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