The day is weird

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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Spook 9☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
July 21, 1969

✩*⢄⢁✧ --------- ✧⡈⡠*✩


It is the evening on July 21. I actually hadn't found Amane anywhere. After we had switched classes at 11 am, I hadn't seen him anywhere... Which is weird. Eh.... I got a thought that some people might have bullied Amane and took him somewhere to beat him up. That better not had happen!

I looked for him everywhere in the middle school. I was panting and my feet were tired. It was now 7:55 pm. I was getting really worried about Amane. Every day he would tell me that he was heading home. Every single school day. This has not happened before. Tsukasa has not been talking about his twin brother either... Every time I would ask Tsukasa where Amane was... He would immediately change the subject and try to distract me.

I knew I had to keep looking for Amane so I went to the Kamome High school. No sign of Amane anywhere. It's now 9:00 pm. I went back to the middle school and went back to my homeroom class. Science. I saw Mr. Tsuchigomori there. What was he doing at the school this late?

"Oh- Mr. Tsuchigomori! What are you doing at the middle school this late at night?" I asked him. "Huh? Y/n.... I was cleaning up the classroom. Gosh it took me all evening and night to clean." Mr. Tsuchigomori explained. Mr. Tsuchigomori... His face looked bumbed. I could guess he was down. What was troubling him? I decided to ask if Mr. Tsuchigomori knew where Amane was.

"Mr. Tsuchigomori..." I said.

"Yes?" He replied.

"Do you know where Amane is? I have been really worried. Every single school day he would tell me that he would be heading home. It's like he disappeared. Have you seen him anywhere?" I asked worried. "Huh. Yes I have seen him a few hours ago.... He went to my homeroom at 5:30... He was covered in bruises and cuts... After I covered his cuts in bandages, he talked about a... What was it now, A lunar rock he said?" Mr. Tsuchigomori explained. I jump a little in surprise.

"After that, he went running out of the classroom. I don't know why though..." Mr. Tsuchigomori said. "Oh..." I said.

"You sure are in love with Amane." Mr. Tsuchigomori said. "W-what?? What are you talking about?" I said studdering. "Don't think I didn't notice... You two quite suit each other if I do say so myself." Mr. Tsuchigomori chuckled. I was blushing hard. "But, Yugi did seem very off this evening." Mr. Tsuchigomori stated. "Huh? What do you mean sensei?" I asked him. "Exactly what I just said... He seemed very out of it today. You said that he was missing all day right?" Mr. Tsuchigomori asked me. "Yes..." I replied. "I don't know what was wrong with him today, but I'm sure something was bothering him." Mr. Tsuchigomori said. "O-oh..." I replied.

"Well I really must be going home. You should too y/n. It's probably past your bed time." Mr. Tsuchigomori chuckled. He patted my head and walked past me. "Thanks Tsuchigomori..." I said to him. He turned around, "No problem..." Tsuchigomori said with no smile.

I swung my bad over my shoulder. This day was very weird. Very weird. I just hope that Amane is alright...

A/n: I never noticed until now that Mr. Tsuchigomori had very pointy ears XD

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