Bruises And Cuts

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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Spook 8☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
July 20-21, 1969


It was July 20, 1969. I woke up remembering that the FIRST EVER MOON LANDING IS GOING ON! I got up. Got dressed into a sweatshirt and some shorts. I pressed on the power on button on my TV. I turned on the moon station. Then I climed up my loft bed and was laser focused on the TV.

"Y/n Y/n! The moon landing is going on!!" My mom and dad shouted. "I know. I'm in my room! Watching it right now!" I shouted. Then my mom, dad and Hiroto busted my room door. And I freaked out. I sighed.

Mom, Dad and Hiroto were scattered around my room watching the First ever moon landing. "That's one step for man. One giant leap for mankind." Neil Armstrong stated. Oh my GOSH I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPENING!! I hope Amane is watching this...

The whole day I was thinking about Apollo 11. That memory was so amazing. It is now 8:35 pm. I told My mom, Dad and Hiroto that I was going to the backyard to stargaze. I brought out my telescope. Unpacked it. Ascembled it and placed it onto the grass. I looked into the telescope and zoomed into the moon. I have been waiting for three days STRAIGHT! I looked into the moon and sighed to how beautiful it was. I wish I could go to the moon. Amane and I are really passionate for the moon and the stars.

I looked at my watch to see what time it was. It was 30 minutes later. 9:05 pm. I had school tomorrow so I knew that I have to go to bed. I packed up my telescope and brought it into the house. Then I brushed my teeth and tucked myself to bed. Then I slowly closed my eyes and thought of Amane one last time, then fell asleep.


It is now 21 of July 1969. I woke up, got ready for school. Thinking of the Yugi twins. I can't wait to talk to them about the Apollo 11! "Hey y/n!!" I heard someone say behind me. "Huh? Oh- Tsukasa! Hey!" I said. "Heyyyy... So how are you on this lovely day?" Tsukasa asked. "Oh I'm good. But I'm really tired." I replied. "Yea. Me too. The first day of school after school break is not the best thing ever." Tsukasa stated. "Yea... Definitely." I scoffed. "Where is Amane?" I asked Tsukasa. "Oh... He is-" "Right here." Amane said. "O-oh. Hey Amane." I said blushing. "Hey..." Amane said nervously.

I guess we both still remember the first date that we had a few days ago. Yea... That was something that I will never forget. Literally. We have gotten to our homeroom class. Tsukasa was able to go into Mr. Tsuchigomori's homeroom class. The Yugi twins were just hanging around with me at my seat. While the sun was shining its beautiful morning sunlight. The two boys were surrounding my desk. "So uhmm hey- have you guys seen the Apollo 11 on TV yesterday?"

"Oh yea!! Man that was amazing! It was just...awsome. I wish we all came together and watched it at the exact same time." Amane said. "Yea... I definitely agree with you." I said having a soft smile formed on my face. We smiled at each other for quite some time. "Uhhh... Am I missing something between you two?" Tsukasa asked. "Uh- no no. Nothing." Me and Amane said.

"Oh. Okay then!" Tsukasa said with a smile. We three all smiled at each other.


"It is now five thirty. Will the children playing outside... Please carefully make your way back home."

Kids were chattering and playing outside.

"The ball went that way. C'Mon! Last one there is a rotten egg!"

"I told you a dozen time... I just wanted to help you, as your teacher."


"Don't look at me like that..."

"... Yugi."

"This happens every single day. Don't you think it's about time you told me who's behind all this?"


"Cat got your tongue again?"

"Geez... You've been like this since your first year here. You're covered in cuts and bruises that never go away, you don't have any friends really, except for that transfer student, you skip class... Did you listen to a word I said?"

"Amane Yugi!"

"Get off my back, Tsuchigomori sensei."

"You little..."

"... Look kid. I'm worried about you."

"Worried about this? It's totally fine. Not a problem."

"It is a problem! Just what kind of person could justify hurting someone this bad-?!"

"I'm fine!"

"Even if no one would ever forgive them... Even if there's no way to justify it... I forgive them."

"..... Sensei... I want you to know... I have a lunar rock!"


"It came one night when I was about four. It fell from the sky, right in front of me."

"This is it!"

"Would you believe me if I said if I said it was real?"

"... No. Sorry."

"Ah ha! Thought so. But we believe it's real. And that's why... No matter what anyone says or thinks, this is a lunar rock!"

"Sensei, how far do you think the moon  is from the earth? Well... It's more than 380,000 kilometers away!"

"And that's how far this baby traveled to get here from the moon. Isn't that incredible!? Even a pebble like this... Can go that far."

"It's my prized possession."

"... We're not talking about the moon, Yugi. We're talking about y-"

"Hey! Look at that!"

"Are you listening to me!?"

"Sensei! The moons out already!"

"His bandage came loose..."

"Mr. Tsuchigomori? Have you ever wanted to go to the moon?"


"Well I know I have. The moon is so big and beautiful. Maybe that's why... I just...."

"I feel like it's gotta be a really great place."

"Yugi! Be careful! Get down from there now!"


"Hey, sensei... You said you're worried about me right?"


"You said you wanted to help me."

"I did."

"Then... Could you just do one thing for me please?"

"Yea... Alright."

"Hehe great! Then here. Take this."

"Isn't this your prized possession?"

"Yeah. It's just- whenever I look at that rock, I feel like I could go anywhere."


"... I've made up my mind now. I'm not going anywhere."

A/n: This dialogue is from the actual manga. For those who don't really know what's happening in the middle of the chapter. Mr. Tsuchigomori and Amane is having their little chat the day after Apollo 11. Hope you enjoyed ^^

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