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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Spook 2☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
August 15 1968

Y/n's POV

Today is my second day of my new school. Kamome Academy. I have to say that yesterday was pretty fun. It was pretty decent for a good, first school day. That Yugi boy did seem like he was the type to not trust people fully. He may have trust issues? I had school today so I put on my uniform and ate breakfast. But I was in a hurry. I rushed to slip on my shoes. "Goodbye y/n! Have a good day at school!" My mom yelled. "Goodbye mom!" I said while hopping on one foot trying to put on my other shoe. Then I closed the house door and locked it with the key. I walk to the school as you can tell.

I was walking half way when a boy slowly walked up to me. I noticed that it was Amane. "Oh. Hey Amane." I said. "Hey." "How are you this morning?" I asked Amane. "Good. You?" Amane replied. "I'm good." I said. "Good." Amane said. "Amaneeee! Amaanneee! Wait for meee!" Someone says behind us. We both stop in our tracks and look behind us. "Oh. Im sorry Tsukasa." Amane apologized. The boy was trying to breath in air. "It's alright." I was really confused. Who is this person? Does Yugi know this boy. It looks like their identical. The Tsukasa boy looks towards me. "Who is she?" He asks. "Oh. This is y/n. Y/n this is Tsukasa. My twin brother." Amane said quietly. "Oh. Well. It's nice to meet you Tsukasa." I said kindly. "Nice to meet you too! hey, You think that we can be friends?!" Tsukasa asked while his fangs were poking out of his mouth.

"I mean sure!" I said. "Yaayyy!" Tsukasa exclaimed. The middle school bell rings and that meant that the three of us were late. Ugh on the second day of school really??! All three of us hear the bell ring. "Uh oh." Tsukasa says. "Welp, that's a bust." Tsukasa says while trying to turn around. "Cmon Tsukasa." Amane said grabbing Tsukasa's hand. "Cmon y/n! Before we are really late!" Amane said. While the two twins were running. "Okay I'm coming!" I yell trying to run.

We three make it to the school. But since that Tsukasa has another homeroom teacher. Mr. Meigo. Amane and I get to our homeroom. Amane slides the door open and everyone stares at us. Even Mr. Tsuchiogori. "Why are you two late?" Mr. Tsuchigomori asked. "Sorry. I think we both woke up a little late." Amane said. "I'm gonna let it slide for today. But next time I will have you both out in the hall." Mr. Tsuchigomori explains. Amane and I both bow slightly to our homeroom teacher. And settle in our seats. The classroom started snickering and laughing a little bit. "Why are they laughing at us?" I whisper to Yugi. "They aren't laughing at us. They are laughing at me." Amane says dully. "What why? That's just rude!" I say. "Eh..im used to it now. I have been laughed at for years." Yugi explains. I felt very bad for him.

I was about to say something when Mr. Tsuchigomori explains to turn to page 21. I wanted to talk to Amane more about why he was always laughed at, but maybe tomorrow.

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