July 22, 1969

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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Spook 11☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
July 22, 1969
•┈┈┈••✦ ♡ ✦••┈┈┈•


The sight that I was seeing before my eyes was just depressing.... I couldn't handle it... It was all too much. "A-Amane? T-Tsukasa? Please...don't let this be real." I said while trying to choke back my tears. Amane's white shirt was in blood stains. He was sitting against the bathroom wall and just sitting on the bathroom floor. His face was tilted down.... And there was a knife in his hand... But in a loose grip.

Tsukasa... On the other hand... Was laying down. Dead. Just dead on the bathroom floor. His blood was spreading underneath him. W-WHAT HAD HAPPENED!? I yelled in my mind. The Yugi twins were dead. With their eyes closed... Not breathing at all. And the boy that I loved the most.... Committed suicide. "Tsukasa! Amane! Please wake up... Please!" I screamed. I lifted up Amane's head to see his full face. Dead. I just started sobbing... Sobbing that my one and only love was gone. Amane liked me back... He- he loved me! Why?!!

"Amane... I want to know why. WHY DID YOU KILL YOURSELF! YOU KNEW THAT I LOVE YOU! Was I n-not good enough?" I exclaimed while sobbing. I was holding Amane in my arms, Close to my heart. "Amane... Please... I should have told you this a few days ago. I-I wanted to say this for such a long time. I wanted to say it so badly to you... But I was afraid that you would have freaked out..." I explained. "I LOVE YOU AMANE! WHY COULDN'T YOU SEE THAT?! WHAT MADE YOU DO THE THING THAT YOU DID!?" I said desperately.... "Amane. I am in love with you. It has only been you. I love you more than my own life. I fell head over heels for you. J-just why... Just why..." I said with sorrow in my voice.

"Amane... I love you." I said desperately. I then out all of my weight onto Amane's dead body. Hugged him so tightly and in my head I was just wishing that my loved one would come back to life. But... Deep down inside, I knew that coming back to life was a useless wish. I hugged Amane tightly and sobbed and sobbed while holding Amane close to my living body. The first day that we formally met each other. We were connected. We were Connected Stars.

✦✰Connected Stars✰✦ (Yugi Amane X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now