Truth Or Dare

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"Well of course I'll join in." she had answered.

So now they were waiting at the rooftop of Kamome Gakuen High school.

Who were they?

It was our very own (Y/N), Teru and the gossip queen. Dai.

"Ah, this is going to be amazing!" Dai fan girled as she thought of what would happen in the game of Truth or Dare played with Uchikudaku and Muku. Right now, they just waited for the girls to come to the rooftop.

Finally, the door opened, and (Y/N) waved as the girls walked in and smiled, looking at the three of them.

"Hi there." Uchikudaku said. "I don't believe we've met. I am Uchikudaku Noai." the taller girl said to Dai.

"Hi! I'm Aijin Daitōryō. Please call me whatever you'd like to." the black haired girl smiled politely.

"Okay! Then, why don't you all just call me Noai, it's a lot shorter than Uchikudaku."

"And call me Su, that's friendlier." Muku (ops I mean Su) said.

"Aww how cute you guys are!" Dai said. "Wait, let me get this right. Me, Tomo-Chan and Minamoto-Kun are joining you guys to play truth or dare, right?"

"Right on the money." Su said. "Well, hat is if (L/N) is Tomo..."

"That's me. A nickname most I know uses. Fell free to call me tha or (Y/N) or (L/N) or whatever you want." (Y/N) smiled a little.

"Then, let's get this game started!" Noai punched the air with a grin, exited for the game.

"Then, who starts?" Teru asked.

"Well... what about, Su-Chan, to show how it's done, ask me truth or dare." Noai said.

"Gotcha. Truth or Dare, Noai-Chan?"

"Ehmmmmm..... Dare. Let's start it right away!" the girl grinned.

"Heh." Su got a dangerous look in her eyes, thinking of a dare. "Scream out your favorite candy, out over the school."

"Heh? Boriiiinnnng." Noai pouted. "Here's the thing. If you don't do the truth or the dare, you get a more terrible dare than possibly thinking, and you're obliged to do it." and so, Noai stood up and went to the edge of the rooftop and took a deep breath,

"POCKYYYYYYYYY!!!" Noai screamed with a surprisingly light voice, and if the supermarket far away didn't hear, then them inside were deaf. The girl then turned around. "My turn?"

The rest just nodded, shocked over her brave act, being careful not to get a terrible dare.

"Thennnnnn.... Truth or dare. Dai-San?"

"Hah! Dare, easy!" Dai said confidently.

"Alright, you're in for it! Here, have this pencil and paper." Noai gave Dai a red note block along with a pencil. "Now, draw your crush within ten seconds,"

"Ah, easy." Dai smiled, as the others counted down. As she handed back the paper...

"Empty?" Su asked.

"Can't exactly draw a non-existent person. I don't have a crush, but my fans can dream." Dai winked sassy with an eye and they laughed. "My turn to ask now. Minamoto-Kun, truth or dare?"

"Call me lame, but truth." the boy said.

"Ahhhhhhhh. I have two for you, but I'll take the less exiting one first. So, do you like someone?"

"Oh yeah I do." Teru said.


"I already knew that though..." Su sighed.

"Whoooo?" Dai asked.

"Only one truth per round. Don't cheat." he answered. "Truth or dare, Tomo-Chan."

"Um... Truth."

"You're in for it." Teru smirked evil. "Now... show us your browser history."

"I suppose I have to...." (Y/N) picked up her pone and went to see her browser history. Nothing. "Heh, that was probably supposed to be something embarrassing, but I always clean my history." (Y/N) smirked as the others sighed in defeat. "My turn! Su-San, truth or dare."

"Truth! I don't want my browser history exposed."

"You do know I could ask you what you latest searched?"


"No. But I'll ask this... who is your crush?"

"Heh?" the girl went a little red. "I-I don't have...."

"This is truth, you have to be honest."

"Aghhhhhhh.... You're killing me." the girl whined. "I'm not gonna do this!"'

"Well, then I have the right to dare you, and you have to do it, right?"

"Nothing can be worse than this..."

"Go find your crush and kiss them."

"WHAT?!" Su screamed, making people on the school yard turn around and look up.

"Kiss on the mouth please."

"I take it back, this is worse."

"You have to."

"Duck..." so, Su turned around, went to the door down, leaned against it. And took a few breaths, before walking back.

Then she kissed her crush.

"Yes!" (Y/N) cheered. "I was right."

"Absolutely ship it." Dai answered.

And so, Su then turned away blushing.

So did Noai.

"Heh. Now, love birds, can I come to your wedding?"

"S-stop it..." Su couldn't face anyone, but Noai sure was brave, because then she spoke up.

"You know, I like you to."

And thus, steam could be seen from Su's head.

"Haahhhhh..... Payback time..." she finally stood up with courage in her eyes. "Truth or dare, Tomo-Chan!" she pointed at the girl.

"Def not taking dare after have killed you with embarrassment. Truth."

"Works for me." Su looked at Noai who smiled back. (Y/N) got suspicious, but then... "Who's your crush?"

"Same question as me, huh? Well, that's easy. Teru-Kun."

"Wah! Right out admitted it!" Dai said impressed.

"Why wouldn't I? Wouldn't be better to fall victim to embarrassment."

"Well, I want proof!" Noai said. "Do you, Minamoto-San like her back?"

"Why yes." he said and shrugged, smiling when the other girls started to fan girl.

"AHHHH are you dating???" Su said.

"Are you guys?" (Y/N) responded and watched her go red. "Yeah." she then muttered, not looking at anything at all.


"Oh, you want the whole school to know." the shortest girl got a tick mark on her head. Be ready."

And so, (Y/N) went to the edge of the rooftop and screamed.


Truth or dare...?

Well hello! How you've been? Myself, I've been struggling on what to do, but I think I have a plan for next chapter... fufufu

It's time!

Hope you enjoyed~!

1,061 words, 2.9 pages ϵ( 'Θ' )϶

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