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Preeta sat back on her chair, leaning back and crossed her legs. She looked at them with a smirk.

"Now shall we get back to what really bring me here?" Her men pushed the Luthras so that they were all standing in a straight line in front of Preeta.

"We'll start about the business first; Luthra Company ka CEO will still be Rishabh but to the world, in reality I will be the one who will take all the decisions related to the company. All bank accounts, properties, everything you all owned will be controlled by me which bring me to the 2nd thing...

You guys are allowed to spend only 10000 rupees per month. All your cards will have a limit of 10000 rupees only. So if I was you, I would control my shopping. You guys are very fond of buying expensive dresses and all, right? Now you guys will learn to control your budget just like middle-class people because that's what you guys are right now, middle-class people."

"What are saying di," Sid laughed, "Middle-class earned more than that. They are just low-class people right now." Sahir joined his brother and they high-fived.

Kareena were looking at them angrily but she couldn't do anything in fear that they hurt her or her family. She was feeling very insulted, just not her, everyone had that angry but helpless look on their face. At that moment, her hate for Preeta grew more strong.

"Now the rules if you want to live peacefully in this house : 1st rule; all meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner will be cooked by this house's favourite bahus that is Sherlyn and Mahira and without any servants' assistance. They really love to sit and do nothing, right? We shall see if they really know how to cook or just pretend.

2nd rule; the house's cleaning will be done by the Luthra ladies, that is Dadiji, Kareenaji, Rakhiji and Kritika. You guys may divide the work between you all and yes, if I see even one speck of dust, I will make you clean the entire house again and again until it is spotless.

3rd rule; Breakfast is at 8 a.m, lunch is at 1:30 p.m and dinner at 8 p.m. Not one minute more or less. One minute late and no food for you until the next meal. So get used to wake up early and our cooks, make sure the food is ready before the said time else no one is eating for the rest of the day.

4th rule; Luthras' servants are mine. That's mean they won't be taking any orders from you all. So if you need something, do it yourselves. That means that you will be washing your clothes yourselves, make your bed and every little thing that you used to tell the servants to do, you guys will be doing it yourselves because from now on, you are no longer the boss of them.

Rule number 5 and the last rule; don't even try to break any rules I mention else you won't like the consequences. You saw what I did to Mr Kashyap, I won't hesitate to do the same to you all. Now do you have any questions?"

"What will you do if we refuse to listen to your orders? Huh? What will you do?" Karan asked, staring at her furiously.

"Then I will do what you all accused me of 6 years ago...I will kill Mahesh Luthra." Preeta replied coldly.

"NOOOO PLEASE NOT MAHESHJI...We will do everything you said but please spare Maheshji's life." Rakhi started crying bitterly while everyone stared at her in shock and disgust.

"I'm sorry Mrs Rakhi Luthra but I don't trust your words. Luthras are known to make fake promises. That's why to be sure that you guys will really do everything I say, from now on, no-one is allowed in Mahesh Luthra's room except for me. Without my permission, no-one is allowed near his room. Two of my men will be guarding his door 24/7 and I will give them the permission to shoot anyone who dare to disobey my order.

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