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Preeta wiped the tears that unconsciously flowed. Thinking about the past always left her in pain. You would thought she would be numb to it but it's not the case. The pain was her strength; it was what push her to fight and take her revenge. She was broken out of her thoughts by Sahir.

"I remember entering the house all bloodied and bruised. I have never seen Kabir bhaiya like that; all scared and stressed. He had always been calm and composed. It was a shock for us." Sahir continued.

"The doctor told us that you are under trauma. That accident had pushed you in a shock. We didn't know what happened to you. Bhaiya also didn't tell us anything. He just spent most of his time caring for you. You left an impact on him and that impact started affecting all of us..." Sid said.


A nineteen and eighteen years old, Siddhart and Sahir came back home from college to see Kavya sitting in the living room, rocking one-year old Samaira in her arms. She was humming softly but her attention wasn't there. That's why she didn't notice her two devars until they sat next to her.

"Oh you guys are back. Wait I will prepare some snacks for you two. In the meantime, freshen up." Kavya stood up but Sid made her sit again.

"Bhabhi, don't worry. We can do our things. Just sit and relax. Where's bhaiya by the way. We went to his office but they said he wasn't there." Sid asked.

"He...he's in that girl's room." Kavya looked down, blinking away her tears.

Siddhart clenched his fists in anger while Sahir placed a comforting hand on Kavya's shoulder. Siddhart stood up and started pacing in anger.

"Enough is enough! That's what he does all day long. He just take care of a living corpse. Why doesn't he find her family and let them deal with her. Why should he care for her." Sid exclaimed in anger.

"Sid, please no. You know it's my fault she's in this condition. If only I have applied the brake before. I was also driving fast." Kavya said in a small voice.

"Stop blaming yourself! You shouldn't stay quiet! Why don't you tell bhaiya that he is hurting you. What so special about this girl that he is neglecting all of us! I'm going to talk to him."

"Sid no!" Sid ignored them and rushed towards Preeta's room.

Kavya and Sahir followed from behind after putting a sleeping Samaira in her nursery. Sid opened the door with a bang. Kabir flinched but Preeta didn't make any movement. This made Siddhart angrier.

"Sid, what's the matter? You seem mad." Kabir asked quietly.

Preeta looked at Sid with a blank expression and turned her attention back to the window. Kabir gave her a piece of apple but she just looked at it blankly. She pushed Kabir's hand away and resumed watching outside.

"Till when will you look after her, huh? Till when? What are you doing bhaiya?" Sid asked, trying to keep his anger in check.

"Taking care of her. She needs us. I can't let her in this condition." Kabir said calmly.

"We are not her family! I'm sure she has one! Search for them and return her back!" Sahir and Kavya watched them silently.

"She wouldn't want that. She told me that she can't face them. Sh-" Sid cut him off.

"When did she told you huh? Do you even realise what are you saying. She is just a living corpse. She isn't our responsibility. Okay, she hit our car, we gave her the primary aids that's it! She's married right? Find her husband and let him deal with her." Kabir's eyes turned dark.

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