Chapter 84

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I shoot the ground and pierce the boards.

"Everyone down!!!" He yelled.

My voice actually sounds so distorted that I seem to have a demon stuck in my throat, speaking in my place.

"Down, shit !!!" Jacob snaps as he removes the black cloaks from the cages.

The police officers with the right triangle tattooed on their bodies, their hands are tied and blindfolded. I'm starting to think it would have been a great idea to gag them but that will be left for the next opportunity.

If there is.

The guys are practically naked, wearing only their underwear as we left them to avoid problems, although there is a major drawback:

They are rotten.

Not having a bathroom all this time, neither light, nor enough oxygen, it rots you.

Seeing their tattoos and having the certainty that they are Glorious makes me feel disgusted but also a bit of pity: if only they had not been condemned to belong to that group, as we are to ours, what they have gone through would not have happened because of their guilt. shitty.

Jacob has produced a bunch of keys and is approaching the first cage.

"What ... what are they ... going to ... do?" Asks the kidnapped, fear seeping into his bones.

I approach Tachas before he rushes to do it alone and the moment he opens the bars, I place the point of my revolver on the subject's forehead.

His greasy blond hair, cold sweat running down his temples, and his own bodily fluids make me want to throw up again but with it, a terrible feeling of guilt.

He is trembling ... and there is no longer anything to fear.

Lucky for him that everything ends today.

"Stand up," I tell him. He is cornered like a rat cowering from the cold.

"But I..."

That again. Again that "I ...". I know it's a common expression but I can't help but ascribe it to her, damn it.

"Stand up !!!" I yell at him, damaging my throat.

The guy responds with total submission.

From another cage, the cry of another subject is heard:

"What are they going to do to him?!"

Audrey hits a fence with her gun without firing and the guy looks unprepared: he jumps back from the shock of the impact. Having the vision denied can be a great point in our favor.

Something that surprises me is that when I see my partner, I notice in her more fear than imposition.

What happens?

"Come on," I tell the Glorious who is under my gun, "he stands up and walks in front of me."

He barely succeeds because the trembling in his legs makes the task difficult for him.

Jacob marches ahead of me, glancing everywhere. Before leaving, Audrey walks behind us, asking.

"What are they ...?"

"Shhhh !!!" he cut her off as we climbed the stairs to get out of the basement. Then I turn to everyone inside. And they should not move, unless they prefer to be next !!!

You can see the tension in her friends.

Hatred and rejection creep up my throat before turning off the light and closing the massive iron door behind us.

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