Chapter 58

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So close and so far.

Centimeters separate us but at the same time, there is a gulf of distance between us.

We have so much in common but he is not able to see it, as the first thing to jump into sight are our differences.

"We will have to share tonight's dinner," he says, awakening a glimmer of hope that is destroyed as soon as he adds: "Take this with you. I don't want her anymore."

"No... you have no need to be so unpleasant," I let him know, arming me with courage.

He seems to be immune to my criticism and far from slipping any of my words, it seems to be fuel that fuels his desire to annoy me:

"If it bothers you, you just have to stop chasing me."

"I wasn't chasing you," I shield myself and stand by his side as he keeps checking the frozen food gondolas.

The cold of the freezers makes things much more difficult because my effort to speak in a rush and not die in the attempt, is huge.

"Yes, you did." Theo takes a few boxes of soy meat and chooses between them.

"Nothing like that. You could have eaten a hamburger in a fast food house instead of coming to have the same bowl as me," I say.

"Hamburger? No way. I'm a vegetarian."

The sarcastic laughter that accompanies his words makes me see that I am ridiculous for being one of the millions of people in the world who still consume meat.

Maybe a plant-based diet and substitute foods will eventually make me lose weight, but that idea has no place in my favorite thoughts right now.

"Wow, that's good," I murmur. But what the hell am I doing giving him my flattery?

"Don't worry, even if I eat meat."

"Is a vegetarian allowed to eat meat?"

"Yeah, baby, and yours tastes good." He winks at me and I turn red right away.

His words are accompanied by a tone full of mischief very different from the terms in which our conversation ended the last time we were together, in my house.

"See, you're speechless. I see you loved it," He continued to provoke me, nailed to the ground and resting his arm on one of the shelves. I have him around again, with his biceps around me and his eyes fixed on me. This is the paradise I thought I gave up yesterday.

But what am I saying, he is Hell itself!

"You just catch me off guard," I excuse myself in a useless way. "Your attitude changes scare me."

"That's right, I'm scary." Ugh, thanks for the news, too bad I already knew.

"So are you gonna stay there until they close and lock us up or are you gonna let me keep doing my shopping?"

"I'm running out of space, baby?"

He gets closer and I try to dodge his eyes. Far from this, I bite my lip and blink coquetel looking for his breath to stir.

I've achieved my goal.

I'm sure his manly limb is squeezing you in your underpants.

"Theo got the... oh, wow."

We both jump to the voice of the man who intercepts us and blush equally as soon as the new subject appears behind Theodore's back driving an auto service car with a four-or five-year-old girl in it.

"I'll be right there," he snaps over his shoulder.

The newcomer has short hair, largely gray as in his budding beard. He should be around forty years old as in addition to hair with white dyes, there are wrinkles that are marked at the corners of your eyes when trying to hide a funny smile.

He has a hard-working physique and looks like a businessman / father / bachelor who drives his daughter through the market in search of an impromptu last-minute dinner.

The girl has a fuchsia dress and some wavy chestnut risos fall delicately, accompanying her gesture of a picaresque giggle. His shimmering gray eyes are identical to those of Theo.

Are they...?

"I don't want to rush you," the man explains, and the girl covers her mouth smiling with one of her little hands, "but at any moment the cash registers will close and you have to go home or your mother..."

"I said I'm coming!" Theo roars and I'm half scared.

"You could continue your talk at home."

The boy in front of me about to lose his temper lets out his sigh of defeat, however I am sure he will not give up until he gets rid of the man who urges him to hurry, accompanied by the beautiful babe.

"Can't you just leave?" he says, and for a moment I'm afraid he said it for me.

But this time the babe speaks with a sweet and singing voice:

"Visit your girlfriend for dinner, Deo."

It does not take a translator to realize that she has referred to me as Theodore's "girlfriend."

"No... She's not my girlfriend!" he tells her.

She gives a new giggle and strikes back:

"She is."

"No, she's not. Now go before you..."

"Shhh," I told him to shut up. I wouldn't want him to be rude in front of the little girl I'm venturing, his younger sister.

How many brothers will he have?

"Paris is right," adds the man, "if you are... dude, she doesn't have any plans, you can get her to come home for dinner, and they'll continue their conversation. There are cashiers already storing their things."

The change of accent in the name "Paris " makes the word change from being a magnificent city to the name of a small adorable and vivaracha.

"Yaaaa, damn it, yaaaa!" he says in the direction of his family and then comes back to me -: "Tracy you want to come home for dinner today, me...?"

"I have no plans!" I mean cutting him dry so he doesn't finish swearing.

The babe has already taken her little hands to her mouth, forming an " O " full of fake wonder. I'm sure more than once she has heard her brother use that dirty but his own vocabulary.

"Well, we'll be lining up," corresponds the lord and advances by our side carrying the cart with merchandise. He stops where I am and gives me a nice smile. "By the way, Tracy, it's nice to meet you. My name is Ian."

Before Ian shakes my hand, Theo intervenes:

"Yay! Just get in line and we'll walk you out later. Okay?"

The man gives me one last smile and his green eyes shine under the pale light of the place. It's strange they're not gray like Theo and his little sister.

"Bring the soy meat, please," he adds in a hurry and they go on their way.

Next, the uncomfortable silence only allows us to perceive the "pip" of the cash registers, plus the murmurs of Paris and Ian moving away from us and hiding some adorable laughs.

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