Chapter 5

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I didn't want to go home yet, but with Ruby occupied and Emma gone, I didn't have anything else to do. It was too late to go by other people's houses, so I reluctantly went home.

There was light coming from underneath the front door. I'd hoped Robin would be asleep, but apparently not. He wouldn't leave the lights on like that and I hated that I needed to confront him.

I opened the door and immediately heard footsteps coming my way. Robin sighed in relief and embraced me. He kissed my cheek. "I am sorry, Regina."

I took off my jacket and hang it on the coat rack, before I stepped further inside. Frankly, I wasn't ready to forgive him yet. I just wanted to go to bed first.

"Regina, please listen to me," he said as I walked to the bathroom. "I never should have told you to go to bed and wait for me. That was horrible and I regret it."

"Yes, it was," I replied and grabbed my toothbrush. Robin kept quiet, clearly waiting for me to say something regarding "it's okay, I like you nonetheless", but in this moment I wasn't sure I did. I didn't think I'd ever been this angry with him, because what bothered me most of all was that he didn't even realize that him telling me to wait on the bed wasn't the worst part. The worst part was that he never listened to me.

"Will you forgive me?"

"For what?" I asked and looked at him through the mirror. I started brushing my teeth and kept my eyes on him. He seemed very insecure and vulnerable, but I didn't care.

"For forcing you to go to bed."

"And..?" I asked. Maybe with a little help he'd get there, but he seemed rather clueless.

"And telling you to wait for me, so that we could.. you know."


"I don't know what you're going for, here."

"Then I can't forgive you," I said. I continued brushing my teeth and Robin walked away. I knew what he was thinking. He probably didn't understand how he was supposed to make things right if he didn't even know what was wrong, but I cared oh so little.

I went to the bedroom and changed into my silk pajamas. I could hear Robin in the bathroom and I hoped I'd be asleep before he went to bed. But alas, I was settled in when I felt the bed dip beside me.

My back was turned towards him, but I knew he was looking at me. "I hope you'll forgive me someday, Regina," he said and pulled the duvet more towards him. I hated when he did that, because one of my body parts always ended up in the cold.

"Okay," I responded and closed my eyes. Knowing Robin, he'd probably spend the night overthinking everything that had happened. Maybe I was too harsh on him, but I couldn't get an apology over my lips just yet.


Robin still seemed upset when I returned home from work. He was going through some papers and smiled sympathetically. I reciprocated his smile and squeezed his shoulder gently as I kissed the top of his head.

"I'm sorry I flipped out yesterday," I said.

Robin seemed to appreciate my apology and looked at me. "It's okay. Happens to the best of us. I forgive you," he said. Maybe he expected me to say the same, but I kept my lips pressed together. "What do you want to eat for dinner?"

"I was thinking lasagna," I said. I was already walking towards the kitchen. Robin let out a disgruntled groan and I swallowed thickly.

"I was thinking pizza," he said.

"But I already bought all the ingredients, yesterday. I only have to put it together now," I said. I'd been quite hungry all day and I'd really looked forward to making my mom's lasagna. She was the best cook I'd ever known and I was lucky to have one of her recipes.

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