Chapter 8

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"I want to have sexual intercourse with you." It was blunt, but I was tired of beating around the bush. I knew what I wanted and I had no patience to wait any longer.

Emma looked like she was about to go out, dressed nicely and rather provocatively. She had red cheeks and her eyebrows were raised.

"Hello to you, too, Regina," she said and grabbed the doorknob tightly. She looked rather dismayed and I couldn't blame her. It was quite something to hear after not having seen each other for a week.

We had exchanged phone numbers a while back, though, when we were getting out of the sauna, and we did regularly text about all kinds of nonsense.

It stayed silent for a moment. I didn't want to push her into saying something and I refused to repeat myself, so we just looked at each other for a short time, until she opened her front door further.

"Come on in," she said. I felt surprisingly confident as I walked inside her apartment. I mentally prepared myself for the mess I'd be greeted with, but I was astonished when I saw the perfectly cleaned living room.

"You.. cleaned."

"I figured someday you'd be here again and I wouldn't endure another lecture," she teased as she gesture me to sit down on the neat couch. Now, I could really see the amount of plants she had in the room. They were all big and well taken care of.

She sat down next to me on the couch and rubbed her lap. "Regina, I.. what.. why did you suddenly decide to.. you know? Cheat on Robin."

I shrugged. "I talked to someone who told me that it'd be good for me. You know I've been thinking about it for quite some time and last Tuesday, he refused to listen to me yet again. There's no improving our sex life, so the least I can do is improve my own."

Emma nodded. She seemed to understand me, though maybe that were just my hopes. I knew she didn't sleep with married people, but maybe she'd make an exception for me.

"I think I know some people who can help you," Emma said and smiled weakly, but I shook my head.

"I don't want "some people", I want you," I replied, shyly. "You know my situation and I feel like you know me. And you're so confident about your skills in bed, that I'd like to see you live up to the expectations." I said the last part in a teasing manner and it earned me a slight smile.

She moved somewhat closer to me and nodded. "I get it, Regina. But I still don't so married people and smokers," she said with a shrug and patted my knee lightly.

My skirt rose up, though I was certain she did that by accident. She did look a little longer at my exposed skin.

"I haven't smoked in like a month," I replied. "You got in my mind. And apparently, I got into yours as well, otherwise I'd still feel like I was at a garbage dump, sitting here."

She chuckled softly and I put my hand on top of hers. "Look, if you don't want to do this, that's totally okay. Obviously, you should do what feels good for you. Just.. don't worry about my marriage. If anything, me sleeping with someone else will help my marriage, because I truly don't know how long I can take it."

I wasn't sure what was going on inside her head. I had no idea whether she was even considering this, but she kept quiet for a moment, so I assumed she was thinking about it.

"I can go, I don't want to force you to d.." I couldn't finish my sentence, because Emma leaned in and pressed her lips against mine.

It was unlike anything I'd ever experienced. The way she kissed wasn't remotely comparable to the way Robin kissed. Robin wasn't a bad kisser - definitely not - but it wasn't.. this.

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