Chapter 9

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"Thank you," I whispered as I opened my eyes. Emma merely smiled. Her head was close to mine and she was drawing invisible circles on my chest. "You're right.. you far exceeded my expectations."

She looked me in the eyes and chuckled. "After just this? Oh, honey, you haven't even seen me try." Her confidence was admirable, but she was in the right to be this confident. She was like a goddess in bed.

"Do you want to go again?"

"Now?" I asked and raised my eyebrows. Emma nodded and looked innocently at me. I wanted to experience the joy I'd felt just minutes ago again, but I didn't think my body would take it.

"I'm a bit.. sensitive," I muttered and Emma smiled broadly.

"You really are new to this, aren't you? Was this your first orgasm ever?" she asked and I nodded. I thought she knew that, but she still seemed somewhat surprised.

"Robin was the only one I've ever been with."

"I know, but I figured maybe after we talked, you'd tried some things yourself," Emma said and I slowly shook my head. Oddly enough, the idea of cheating on Robin had appealed me more than touching myself. That seemed just weird, especially because I had no idea what to do.

Though, now I knew that I was able to enjoy sex. A lot. Emma had helped me discover things about myself that I hadn't even known, because yesterday, I had no idea my body could make me feel this way.

I kissed her, rather unexpectedly, and cupped her cheeks. "Can I.. try to.. you know, pleasure you? I have no knowledge on what's good and what's not, but I'd like to try. Otherwise, it'd just be boring for you and I want you to remember this as.. arousing, as well." I didn't think I'd ever needed to think so long about words as right now, but Emma seemed to find it endearing.

She smiled adorably and grabbed my hand. She guided it to her vulva and grabbed my index finger. A slight smirk appeared on her lips as she moved my hand to her core. I could feel a thick fluid touch my finger.

"It's already been very arousing," she said and I retracted my finger. "But of course, you can try anything you'd like. I doubt there's anything I haven't had done to me before," she said with a seductive voice that sent shivers down my spine.

I kissed her passionately and tucked a few locks behind her ear as I climbed on top of her. "Alright," I said. "But I want you to lower your expectations lower than low, okay? I'm just going to go with the flow. Anything beforehand that you really don't want me to do?"

Emma shook her head. "No. I'm excited," she said and I chuckled softly as I kissed her. Perhaps I stole some of her moves, I kissed her gently on every spot that I could manage and nibbled her soft skin at some points.

The soft, but audible noises escaping her lips indicated that I wasn't as far off as I thought I'd be. I took my time kissing her body, thanking it for the way it'd made me feel.

Her skin was so soft, so smooth, it was very pleasant against my lips. I'd avoided her nipples, until now. I licked her nipple shortly and when that earned me a loud moan, I started sucking. First gently, but after a moment I was sucking like my life depended on it, while Emma groaned loudly.

It was a pleasant sensation in my mouth and I repeated the actions on her other nipple, something Emma enjoyed just as much.

My leg was wriggled between hers and she'd started grinding her hips forward, seeking stimulation. My center started getting wetter again as she brushed against it with every move.

I suddenly stopped her movements with my hands and spread her legs. I swallowed, feeling my arousal grow as I looked at the moisture between her thighs and the damp spot on the mattress underneath.

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