Chapter 10

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There were quite a few people and like I suspected, it was very cold on the roof. Nobody complained out loud though, but I could see the little clouds evaporating in the air every time someone talked.

Everyone was gathered in little groups, having conversations about nothing interesting. It was quite fun to have all of our friends together again, but I missed the presence of one person.

I hadn't told Robin I'd invited Emma, so according to him everyone was present and everyone was having a good time. The guests did seem content and I was glad to see that.

"You seem agitated, sis," Zelena said as she nudged my shoulder. She sipped her drink and looked at me, clearly awaiting a response.

"It's been a while since I planned a party. I want everything to go well."

"It will, if you don't get so nervous. Look, everyone is having fun," she said, trying to calm me. I didn't want to tell her that I was secretly hoping for someone else to attend as well. Zelena knew nothing about my encounter with Emma, or about Emma in general. I wasn't planning on telling her anytime soon.

The door to the roof opened and Emma appeared, looking very attractive. She was wearing a suit and she'd braided her hair, something that looked really well on her.

I smiled immediately as she walked closer towards me. "Congratulations on three years of marriage," she said and gave me a hug. I held her in my arms somewhat longer than appropriate, but it just felt so secure and warm.


Emma pulled away from the embrace and looked at Zelena. I could see her eyes widen and a smile erupted on her face. She hastily moved towards my sister and Zelena embraced her tightly.

"Oh, my God, I missed you!" Zelena exclaimed as she hugged Emma once more. I could see a tear in Zelena's eye and I was looking baffled at the scene playing in front of me. "How are you? Why are you here?"

I was so confused. Where had they met? They'd drawn the attention of a few of my friends and Robin, too, had turned around. As soon as he noticed Emma, he eyed me, clearly not amused.

"I moved here about two months ago," Emma said, excitedly, as Zelena wiped away a tear.

"How come I've never seen you around?"

Emma shrugged with a slight smile. "I saw you in a bar a few weeks back, but I wasn't quite sure you wanted to talk to me after I ignored all of your letters."

"Are you kidding?" Zelena said, loudly. At this point, everyone was staring at them, because they were both weeping and yelling. It was quite endearing to see, even though not a part of me had any idea as to what was happening. "I totally understand. I'm just glad to see you alive, here."

"Are you and Regina friends?"

Zelena hesitated before she answered. She shrugged briefly and inhaled deeply. "She's my sister," she said, and it seemed as though it was some sort of big confession. It confused me, because everyone else here was aware that she was my sister, but it seemed to be quite something for Emma to hear.

"I, woah," she said and looked briefly at me. "That's great! I mean, I knew you had a sister, I just didn't know.."

"It's okay," Zelena said, and suddenly looked at everyone at the party. "I feel like everyone is listening to us," she whispered and the crowd chuckled softly, before they returned to their own conversations.

I didn't quite know what to say. Obviously, I wanted to know what was going on, but I first had to process all this. Zelena looked at me and smiled shyly.

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